The Narrow Road & the Two Ditches

Upon the road of Christianity, there are two dangers – one on each side. If not careful, you could fall into either one of these ditches and get yourself into serious spiritual trouble.

If You Need Some Good News

The gospel is the good news of the saving work of Jesus Christ. If you’ve ever wondered what that really means, I hope this summary can help you.

Kingdom Kindness

Within the Church, we have made doctrine and kindness enemies to each other. To the disservice of all, we cause complementary elements to seem confrontational.


The burden of busyness and the tyranny of technology is doing significant damage to our souls. Instead of being devoted, we are distracted. Instead of feeling focused, we fare frantically. We normalize stress and neglect stillness. If you feel overwhelmed with the pace of life, let God’s Word expose you to a different kind of standard.

Finding Your Voice

Be an original in a world full of imitations. You don’t need to be anyone else other than who God made you to be.

Should I Get Married?

So, why do you want to get married in the first place? And what makes you think you have the right person in a world full of potential candidates?

Let Me Get Home Before Dark

Aging has a way to make us fear not necessarily where we are going but the manner in which we will arrive there. This poem, by Robertson McQuilken, portrays the desire we each have to finish well.