7 Years

It’s hard to believe that it’s been seven years of serving as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek. This church family has been a steady source of inspiration as we have sought to follow Jesus together.

The Grandfather I Longed to See

When I was younger, I thought that this photo on my grandmother’s wall was a photo of my deceased grandfather. I later found out that he was a symbol of what so many were longing to see: an older, faithful disciple of Jesus finishing strong.

Recommended Books for 2024

Our church has a recommended book list for both men and women during this year. The list aligns with our sermon series and course offerings to help our people go deeper in discipleship.

Why a Counseling Ministry Is Important

As we help others in discipleship, some situations require additional guidance. That’s why we are committed to assisting members who face life’s deep and difficult issues by providing onsite, Christ-centered counseling. 

Strategic Staff Meetings

We work hard to make our church’s staff meetings efficient and effective because that’s not the typical experience for many. By using a shared slide, we prepare before the meeting and get more accomplished together.

Your Best Life How

If someone asked you if you were enjoying your life right now, how would you respond? God’s Word provides us with clear instructions on how to get the best out of whatever our circumstances may be.

Psalm 119

The longest chapter in the Bible speaks to our need for all chapters within it. If we desire to live a joyful, God-honoring life, we must be relentlessly dependent upon knowing and applying the Scriptures.