It’s Not Fair (To Compare)

We look at what others have and we say, “It’s not fair.” Let’s clarify: it’s not fair to compare. Pride tells us we deserve more, and that we should have it better than other people. So if we deserve more, we will get more at whatever it costs.

Leading Your Church Through the Rest of 2020

2020 has been challenging, but we still have a ways to go. Instead of losing a critical opportunity by pacing through another intermediate stage as a church, what if you created a strategy for the next three months of which your entire church could get behind?


God’s people must not compromise to the culture but display courage in the chaos.

Daniel Series Trailer

Remember all those hopes you had on December 31, 2019? We were all going to have a “2020” vision for the future. This year was going to be the year.

Lead Like Jesus (7 Essential Characteristics)

Are you a leader? Have you always wanted to be a leader? If so, you should learn from the greatest leader this world ever witnessed. Here are 7 essential leadership characteristics from the life of Jesus.

An Overview of Daniel

Have you ever desired to understand the Book of Daniel? Learn some insights into the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Daniel’s account motivates God’s people to remain faithful despite exilic times.

Think Church Rebuild – Not Church Restart

All church leaders have been imagining what it will be like when we restart and everything returns to normal. That isn’t happening. We need to think about a church rebuild – not a church restart.

Daniel [Series Overview]

Daniel learned how to stay faithful to God in a culture that was hostile toward his faith. Navigating through promised persecution, prideful politicians, and petrifying predictions, Daniel and his friends maintained their commitment regardless of the outcome.