Jesus Got Overwhelmed Too

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus admitted that He was enduring a level of overwhelming agony. So, apparently, it isn’t sinful to feel anxious, but we must respond to that feeling in a God-honoring way.

Couple’s Fight Rule #5: Never Play Out-of-Bounds

In my series on healthy fight rules for couples (you can see all of them here), I have finally come to the last one for now: Couple’s Fight Rule #5: Never Play Out of Bounds What I mean by this is that each couple is unique and each person in that couple is unique. There are some trigger words for …


Your Selfish Spouse

Marriage would be easy if your spouse wasn’t involved. And he or she probably thinks the same thing. In reality, marriage is straightforward, but when you introduce the human dynamic, things always get challenging in a hurry.

Couple’s Fight Rule #4: No Double-Teaming

In an attempt to make you couples live together in a more harmonious way, I have been posting couple’s fight rules that we have developed in our own marriage. You can read all of the fight rules here. Here’s the fourth out of five. Couple’s Fight Rule #4: No Double-Teaming If you are playing a sport, double-teaming is when two …


Couple’s Fight Rule #3: No Reloading Discarded Weapons

In my continuing effort to help couples learn how to fight more fairly with one another, I am listing healthy fight rules.  You can view the previous ones here. The next one is: Couple’s Fight Rule #3: No Reloading Discarded Weapons Here’s how this one goes down: a spouse does something to upset his or her significant other.  That spouse …


10 Bible Verses for Husbands

Looking for Bible verses to study or memorize on a particular area?  One of the best ways to fight for holiness and combat against sin is by memorizing Scripture. Here are 10 verses for how husbands should love their wives. Col. 3:19 – Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Eph. 5:25 – Husbands, love your wives, as …


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Parenting

I wish I could be a perfect father for my children. How I wish that I had always been intentional, patient, endearing, Christ-honoring in everything that they have heard me say and have seen me do.  It is so easy for me to compare myself to other dads in our culture and think I am doing better than most. Better …


Couple’s Fight Rule #2: No Sorry But’s

My wife and I came up with five solid fight rules that we put into practice within our marriage.  I wanted to share them with you for you to agree with, disagree with, or maybe even put into practice. Here is the second couple’s fight rule that we have established in our home. Couple’s Fight Rule #2: Can’t Use a …


Thermostat vs. Thermometer

Would the people around you say that you are more of a thermostat (you set the temperature of an environment) or a thermometer (you reflect the temperature of an environment)?

Olly Olly Oxen Free

We each need reminding that God is our safe place of refuge when challenges rise. If you are in despair today, never forget that God is bigger than your anxieties.