Different Sizes of Plates

Have you ever found yourself comparing your workload with another’s? It’s natural to do. Someone tells you about the great stress regarding what he or she does and inwardly you are somewhat skeptical of how hard that job actually is. You might have even thought to yourself, “Your job sounds easy – you couldn’t handle what I do!” We often …


When Leaders Lead

I have often watched frustrated leaders bemoan why people won’t follow them. While the reasons may vary, oftentimes, people don’t follow because they are unsure of the direction. If the leaders are unsure of the destination, it is unlikely that the followers will just arrive there on their own. In Judges 4, there is an interesting leadership lesson. Barak is …


The Women Whose Rights Were Taken Away

“After years of fighting for the passage of this essential protection for women, our moment has finally arrived. The New York State Assembly has kept the torch lit for years, and we are extremely excited to be able to pass the torch to a Senate dedicated to the respect of women and the protection of their basic right to make …


When the Opportunity Is the Opposition

There is tension in how, when, and if someone should lead. On one side, we live in a culture that prioritizes education and experience being necessary for additional opportunities. On the other side, we love the one-in-a-million success story that an available opportunity provided for a go-getter. When it comes to ministry, I have oftentimes seen people fail at opportunities …


“Never Trust a Man”

It was a Saturday adventure. We just decided to get in the car and drive to downtown Greenville and enjoy the afternoon as a family. As we drew closer, we noticed that traffic seemed busier than normal. Apparently, we had arrived at the Annual Duck Derby. We didn’t even know such a thing existed. As numerous people purchased a rubber …


Establish the Boundaries in Dating

If you are a disciple of Jesus in a dating relationship, how much consideration do you give towards boundaries?   How do you stay pure during this season of dating? The most important conversation for a couple progressing in their relationship to have is concerning how far is too far in their physical relationship.  This conversation is the E.T.B. or …


The Most Critical Spiritual Environment (Is the One in Which You Live)

LifeWay Research conducted a national survey of 1,200 adults with children under 18 at home.  They attempted to discover what parents defined as “successful parenting.”  Their findings were interesting yet not shocking. 25% of those interviewed would view their jobs as parents as successful if their children were happy as adults. 22% were hoping their children would find success in …


The Stroll Around Seminary That Changed Everything

In the summer of 2018, I got the privilege to preach for Fuge Camps at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.  It was a part my alumni summer as I spent a week there and a week at North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC.  I received my undergraduate from NGU and my masters and doctorate from Southern.  It …


Spoil Your Wife

In our culture, too many people see marriage as the ol’ ball and chain.  How shameful it is that we depict marriage like a burden.  Like the rapper, KB has said, “If my wife’s a ball and chain, then I love being her slave.” Loving our wives is more than buying a few trinkets or working hard to provide for …