3 Vital Concepts Regarding Marriage and Money

One of the greatest sources of conflict in marriage is finances.  

Money isn’t the root of evil.  The love of money is the root of evil (1 Tim. 6:10).  Money alters the way people think and act.  People think, say, and do unexpected things when it comes to the increasing accumulation of wealth. 


7 Tips for Talking with Your Kids About Sex

I’m a parent.  And as a parent, I have primary responsibility for the formation of my children.  Whether it is spiritual, mental, emotional, relational, physical, or sexual development, as their parent, I am responsible to God to set the pace and to establish the curriculum.  While we each may have certain areas that are easier for us to talk about than the others, we must prioritize teaching our children about sexuality.

Open up your Bible and open up your life to teach your children regarding God’s design for gender, sex, and marriage.


Adultery Ruins Lives

  Adultery ruins lives, but no one would engage in something if they knew that was the result.  So how do people end up there? One of Satan’s greatest tactics against marriages is his fantasy-type portrayal of adultery.  The adventure of seduction awakens many bored spouses.  The danger of it all provides an excitement that may have been lacking for …


Unpacking the In-Law Baggage

Marriage comes with baggage.  In particular, in-law baggage. When you marry a person, you inherit a family.  Whether or not you realized it, your marriage came as a packaged deal.  You just added a slew of people who are now considered as family. The marriage union is distinct from any other relationship.  Once the vows have been spoken, your previous …


3 Important Recurring Events for Your Marriage

Marriage takes time. Unfortunately, time is one of those things that we feel as if we simply don’t have anymore.  As we give our minutes, hours, days, months, years, and lives away to different pursuits, we can never take back the time invested.  The tragedy of how we spend our time is that often our marriages suffer. The one who …


3 Vital Components of a Staff Member

An effective job has so much to do with what we do, how we do it, and who we do it with. While we are much more than what we do, a significant portion of our lives will be spent in the 9-5 realm.  That’s why how we approach work is so vital to our overall outlook in life.  Most …


13 Ways to Exasperate Your Children

Children are a blessing as long as you don’t lead them to be a burden. Part of the role of parents is to shape children to be all that God has called them to be.  That takes time.  Growing weeds doesn’t take effort – growing gardens demands patience and care.  If you want your children to be successful, you have …


Marriage Needs Mutual Motivation

For a marriage to succeed, a couple must possess mutual motivation.   Determine what is the mutual motivation for your marriage to succeed. What is the desired result? What is the common goal for the marriage? What is the win for the home? If you look to the pages of Scripture, a worthy goal is not to get along peacefully, raise …


“I Married the Wrong Person”

When your spouse fails to meet your expectations, you begin to question if you married the wrong person. Many people claim that is the problem with their marriage.  If they could go back and press rewind, if they knew back then what they know now, they would have made different decisions.  Due to rising conflict in marriages, people just think that …


14 Questions You Shouldn’t Ask Adoptive Families

As an adoptive family, we have more random stories of interactions with strangers than we care to count.  For whatever reason, close associates or random passerbys feel inclined to make conversation regarding your family when they realize a child is adopted. In our situation, it is very obvious that we are an adoptive family, and so we have heard it …