Rethinking Family Ministry

The tide is growing for family ministry in churches all over America.  People see the need for a biblical approach to discipling all ages, but many are unsure of a path and fearful of initiating a change.  Maybe you feel like the building blocks are there, but you don’t have the diagram to tell you where to start. As you …


God’s Imprint Within the Womb

As a pastor, I am a mandated reporter if I discover that abuse or neglect is transpiring within a home. Many people falsely assume that if something is confessed in a ministry counseling situation, the pastor is safe not to report it.  That’s simply untrue.  I am liable to the American government if I know about a situation and fail …


This Marriage Should Have Never Worked

Even if you are in a bad marriage, I have often said that there is never a completely one-sided divorce.  Even if one party contributed 99% of the conflict, the other spouse hasn’t been perfect.   While I have counseled that logic for years, I have changed my mind recently regarding that claim.  After years of teaching, writing, and counseling, …


Why a Man Fails to Finish Well

Many men start strong but fail to finish well.   Every person has stories of those men who became derailed overtime.  In losing their integrity, their family, or their commitments, many of them have no one to blame for the crash other than themselves for walking dangerously upon the tracks. Why do men fail to finish well?  The graphic story …


Let Your Spouse Off the Hook

Marriage is bound to have some troubles.  You must address conflict with your spouse wisely, and many things need to be addressed.  But I believe there are some things of which you simply need to let your spouse off the hook. Don’t get me wrong: some things need to be addressed!  But you need to address that which the spouse …


5 Fight Rules for Married Couples

Every married couple fights.  Even if you don’t want to give your disagreements such an extreme designation, the reality is this – conflict will come between each other.  So, how do you survive such times? If you are going to fight, you better fight fair. Here are 5 fight rules for married couples: #1 – Never Go to Bed Angry …


Run Like a Girl

We live in a time that is in desperate need to protect the rights of women. My daughter is committed to doing her part so other girls have their chance as well.

Why I Didn’t Wait Until I Turned 99 to Write a Book on Marriage

Writing and releasing a book on marriage is a dangerous thing.  I suppose writing a book on anything is dangerous, but the topic of marriage is an especially bold topic to address.  As a minister, I have often heard people communicate disapproval for a “younger” pastor sharing wisdom on marriage.  What does he know about it anyway?

I definitely don’t understand it all, but I do understand it some.  Here’s why I didn’t wait until I turned 99 to write a book on marriage.