Prioritizing Prayer

You will never intensify your prayer life on accident. In order to pray continually, you must first pray intentionally.

The Strategy of Generosity

To be generous entails more than giving an amount; it requires possessing an attitude. Learn how to be wise with what you give and how you give it.

How to Handle Your Anger

Living in this world guarantees that anger will be a common emotion. God’s Word provides helpful wisdom regarding how to handle our anger.

When Trust Is Broken

Since our words are consistently unreliable, it causes distrust to grow as we relate to one another. When trust is broken, we must find biblical ways to find forgiveness and healing.

Divorce-Proofing Your Marriage

No matter how challenging your marriage is, you can find help. Discover potential marriage separators, and do what you can to avoid them in your relationship.

Protecting from Pornography

To fight against lust, we must have a plan to protect ourselves from pornography. Using scriptural insight and practical wisdom, you can find hope with this struggle.

Making a Spiritual Growth Plan for 2021

You will not grow by accident. To have the blessed life that Jesus spoke about in the Sermon on the Mount, we must follow Him on the path of discipleship. We must keep growing.

Intro to the Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount is the greatest sermon in the history of the world. It has been translated and quoted and treasured more than any other. Before starting a thorough study, here is some information that will help you grasp the truth contained within the sermon.

The Power of Humility

When it comes to governmental leadership, we often believe that most is accomplished through some type of conquering force. Jesus was a different type of King and setup a different kind of Kingdom.

The Ending of Hostility

As the United States continues to further the philosophical divide, the greatest point of conflict has to do with how all citizens respond to God. As all nations rage against God, He has a sovereign plan to deal with every single one.