Interpreting the Law

In our study of Hermeneutics, we come to one of the most difficult sections of Scripture to interpret – the Law.

Oftentimes, New Testament believers go too far in relation to the Law – either by expressing strict obedience to all types or by ignoring the commandments altogether as not applying to us.  We must find a healthy balance when it comes to interpreting this wonderful section of Scripture.


The Importance of Context

When it comes to reading Scripture, context is key.  

Too much of our current biblical study focuses on isolated verses and neglects the context of which the verses were originally written.


The Interpretation of Translation

In the 2nd week of our Hermeneutics course, we learned about “The Interpretation of Translation.”  The Bible in our possession has divisions of testaments, books, chapters and verses.  66 books are included and many religious books were left out.  In addition, the Bible was composed in 3 different languages, and a reading in English means that someone has already began the process of hermeneutics without us really thinking about it.


The Task of Hermeneutics

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.  -2 Tim. 2:15


Strategic Prayer

In this final week of our prayer course, we talk about how to pray strategic prayers. The 8-weeks of teaching were a part of our NSU’s “The Battle Plan for Prayer” course.  I taught it once in the Fall and once in the Spring. I changed the way I taught it in the Spring and liked it so much better …


Praying the Bible

Here is the 7th week of our prayer course.  In this session, it’s time to unpack what it means to be strategic in our prayers.  A foundational game changer is if you can learn to pray the Bible. The key passage is John 15:1-7. Audio Key Points The best words to use in counseling are God’s Words. The best words …


Praying in Faith

Here is notes and audio from week 6 of our prayer course.  The focal text for this study is Mark 9:14-29. Audio Key Points The power of our prayers is that they can outlive us. Prayer is not what we do when we can’t work; prayer is what we do because we want to work. Some people’s ministry are more …


Spiritual Warfare

In this 5th session of our prayer course, we tackle the topic of “Spiritual Warfare” Audio Notes The Christians who get annihilated are the ones who never acknowledge that they are at war. We have a real enemy and his name is Satan. Satan is called the ruler of this world (John 16:11). Satan leads people to walk in the …


Blocks to Prayer

We all have those conversation stoppers in life.  Either what the person says or who the person is saying it may cause us to cover our ears. Scripture reveals there are 12 ways in which God closes his ears to our prayers. UNCONFESSED SIN.  If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.  But truly God has listened; he …


The Principles of Discipline

Parents are called to reflect the character and nature of God in their discipline Weeks ago, I got to partner with area churches and put on a parenting workshop.  We got many requests to make the content available.  Here is the second session, The Principles of Discipline. Use it however it helps you or your church! The Principles of Discipline Key Points …