The Heart of Worship

This Sunday, we will be singing “The Heart of Worship” written by Matt Redman. Many of you probably know the story behind the song, but if you don’t, I have it included below. Like Redman’s church, it’s so easy for churches to get into worshipping their worship. Whether it’s a style, a preference, a feeling, or whatever, we come describing …


Committees in the Bible?!

I was listening to a message from Andy Stanley the other day that made me laugh so hard and think a whole bunch. He was talking about the different types of church government. When he got to the congregational style government, he said that there were three times when God’s people took a vote in Scripture – see if these …


Praying at Santa Fe

So after I preach, I often have alot of doubts, second thoughts, and questions that I mull over. “Did that make any sense…did that connect with anyone…was I too pushy…was I bold enough…did I represent God well…did I misuse God’s Word…is anybody going to do anything with what I said today?” You know, nothing big or anything… But some of …


Seminary – I Bid You Farewell

I just submitted my last assignment for my master’s at seminary. The air is fresher right now. The sun seems a little brighter (even though it is cloudy). My calendar seems a little more free. Tis the summer of Trav.

Who Would Protest If Your Church Left the Community?

I was reading some highlights from the Q Conference in Atlanta and read this: The mysterious and anti-just-about-anything Rob Bell led Q attendees in a meaning-filled time of communion on Thursday night. I really appreciated his rhetorical question that asked “If [y]our church was removed from [y]our community, who would protest?” Pow! That’s a pretty interesting thought. If North Side …


Galatians 6:9

“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Jeff gave a devotion on this passage in this morning’s staff meeting. It was much needed. I think it is hard sometimes to explain to people what goes on in the lives’ of people leading at a church. You …


Singing Really Loud

I got to play bass at North Side yesterday morning, and I am beginning to notice something: you people sing really loud! I love it. Yesterday I felt like we all just had to tell God how much we loved him and how great he was, and just quiet voices couldn’t get it done. I love Fred Hammond. He’s a …


10 Ways to Avoid Building Community

I read this blog today that I thought was very revealing. It is 10 ways to avoid building community at church. The first 5 are: 1. Keep conversations short. 2. Always sit in your “assigned” seat. 3. Avoid new people. 4. Come in late. 5. Leave immediately after the service (or early). If you want the whole article and the …


Invest and Invite

We are in the middle of a Life Focus series at North Side entitled “Invest and Invite” focusing on relational evangelism. I was reading a book by Thom Rainer called Surprising Insights from the Unchurched and have read some…uh…surprising insights from the unchurched. In the area of reaching out to the unchurched, I came across a staggering statistic: “Only one …


Worship All Week Long

I have been reading a book on worship by A. W. Tozer lately and I came across a quote that really challenged me. He was talking about how consumer-oriented we tend to become concerning worship. If we like the songs or if the message really connected with us, we equate that with “good” worship. But worship is not an event. …