Nothing Gets More Orderly by Accident

All of us talk about how stressful our lives are as we seek to work through frantic schedules and numerous tasks. The fact is that nothing gets more orderly by accident, and we must be proactive to make the most of the time we have.

Stop Making Excuses for Laziness

We talk about laziness as if it is a character trait that some people just can’t help, but that doesn’t address the seriousness of the issue. If you lag around life, you miss out on the wonderful opportunities God has given you.

Parental Availability

If you are a parent, you understand that the days are long, but the years are short as you seek to raise the children entrusted to you. Your availability is directly related to your capability as you set out to disciple your kids well.

How to Counsel Someone in Crisis

You may not feel trained as a counselor to assist in crisis situations, but you probably can do more than you give yourself credit. Discover how you do these four simple things and help someone in desperate need better than you think you can.

If Your Spouse Isn’t Trying

Many people feel stuck in a marriage that they seek to improve, only to be met with resistance or complacency from a spouse. While a healthy marriage depends on two people putting in the effort, you might have to resort to an individual strategy.

Prone to Wander

We are all prone to wander, but we are each prone to wander in different ways. We have to evaluate our habits to find victory against temptation.

Count Me In (Book Release)

Many people count teenagers out when proving themselves to be productive disciples of Jesus Christ. Instead of expecting less for these students, the church needs to raise the bar for their expectations and open the door for their opportunities. 

The Secret to Evangelism

Most Christians admit that we are supposed to share the good news with others, but fear often paralyzes us from doing just that. Instead of remaining in guilt, what if there was a way for you to unlock your potential for sharing the gospel?

Common Traits of an Affair

People typically don’t spend their wedding day planning on how they can have an affair in the near future, but that doesn’t stop the unfortunate sin from transpiring. With affairs, common traits are typically present and must be avoided.