God Notices Nobodies

After God’s Own Heart God Notices Nobodies (1 Samuel 16) David was the least likely to become king but God set him apart for this task. While man judges the external qualities, God judges the internal worth. The Setup Major theme of the Bible: God’s plan is for God’s people to live in God’s place under God’s rule. In Samuel’s time, …


The Exposed Places

Biblical Blueprint: The Exposed Places (Neh. 4:10-14) In every home, there are exposed places for danger to enter. We must identify where they are, build up the walls, and fight against combative tactics. Nehemiah’s Context God’s people had lived in exile due to their sin, but God was gracious to allow them to return home. Ezra led the people to …


Here I Am [Isaiah 6]

Isaiah 6 Preached at One Church – Fairview Baptist Church, Greer, SC – May 24, 2017 Main Points We don’t see God as exalted until we have been humbled. Holiness by comparison seems promising until one encounters the LORD. You are not truly experiencing the presence of God if you believe that you deserve to be there. The most dangerous …


Teach Your Children Diligently

Biblical Blueprint Teach Your Children Diligently (Deut. 6:4-9) The Problem While the church provides important spiritual environments, the most critical spiritual environment is the one in which you live. You are called to be the primary evangelists and disciple-makers of your family. “Do as I say and not as I do” will not work in discipleship. It’s difficult for an hour-long …


Suitable Helper

In marriage, you are meant to be a suitable helper for your spouse. Suitable Helper Genesis 2:4-25 Alive and Yet Alone Mankind is the only creation that was made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Out of all his creations, God reckoned that only one of them was not good – Man. “It is not good that the man …


Unless the LORD Builds the House

Psalm 127 3/4 of those raised in the church are no longer in the church after their freshman year of college. With 16 million Southern Baptists, we will decrease to 4 million in 1 generation. In order just to maintain status quo, each Southern Baptist must reach 3 people for Christ. It currently takes 43 Southern Baptists to reach 1 …


Until Every Need Is Met

Until Every Need Is Met Titus 3:12-15   Christianity was founded upon what Jesus gave and yet we have turned church into what we get. The tendency in church can be to give as little as possible. Instead of showing minimal generosity, we should see how we can sacrificially give until every need is met. We have been shown God’s …


Stirring Up Division

4/23/17 – Titus: Stirring Up Division (Titus 3:9-11) In our striving for church unity, we must avoid majoring in the minors. God’s Word teaches us how to maintain unity and deal with those who stir up division. Avoid Divisive Arguments (Titus 3:9) We must discern the difference between truths, trends, and traditions. Truths are the unchanging, unbending doctrines of God clearly …


Christ Have Mercy

Christ Have Mercy (Titus 3:1-8) – We will never do enough good works to earn God’s favor.  Our only hope for salvation is if Christ shows us mercy. Objection #1: I’ve Been Hurt by the Church (Titus 3:1-2) The local church should be a force for good within the community.  We should make it difficult for others to hate the message because …



Matthew 26:17-30 As we remember the sacrifice of Jesus, never forget that God is able to pass over our sins because Jesus was the perfect substitute. Perfect Substitute – The lamb must be without blemish (Ex. 12:5; cf. Heb. 9:14).  How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify …