The Ministry Equivalent of Ford Making Ventilators

When the COVID-19 hit, much of our economy came to a screeching halt. While some industries have prospered, most have struggled. Due to the uncertainty of the coming months, Ford did something unexpected: they started making ventilators. When Henry Ford started the company back in 1903, he wasn’t anticipating an assembly line churning out ventilators, yet that is the reality

How Your Church Website Needs to Change

Your church’s website is important to how you will reach people. It is not the only way, but it is a very helpful way. I firmly believe that the gospel is the power of salvation to those who believe (Rom. 1:16). A church doesn’t need a website to reach people with the news of Jesus, but it is a fantastic

Realistic Expectations for Church Regatherings

In the weeks to come, many churches who practiced social distancing during the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic will begin to regather. Regardless of when your church decides to meet back together, here are some things to consider. Attendance will be lower. Anticipate that, and don’t get discouraged by it. If your church is intentionally trying to have smaller services,

Don’t Pause During a Pandemic

Crises have a way of clarifying who we are. Trials do change us, but they often reveal us more than anything else. The same is true for churches and ministries. When trials come, the health of a ministry is clearly seen. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I personally was in disbelief. “Surely this isn’t happening. No, we are going to

Leading Towards Regathering Practically

I was honored to discuss “Leading Towards Regathering Practically” with fellow pastors in South Carolina who are all also great friends. It was a part of the South Carolina Baptist Convention’s Advance Anyway podcast they have started during the COVID-19. As pastors, we need to learn from each other without pressure to conform to another’s plans. You are called to

Questions to Answer Before Reopening Church Gatherings

As a culture walking through the uncharted territory of an international pandemic, we know that we have to begin the process of reopening businesses, parks, restaurants, schools, and even churches. While plenty of measures have been taken to flatten the curve of the COVID-19, we all acknowledge that, at some point, we have to reverse operational trends, yet we must

Creative Quarantine Ideas for Your Church (That Actually Work)

I would have pulled out my notebook from seminary on how to lead a church through an international pandemic, but, like everyone else, I didn’t have that class. I am making it up as we go along. You are too. I have benefitted from hearing ideas from other places, and I thought maybe this list could help you. As a

Have We Idolized Easter?

God often uses unexpected situations to teach us needed truths. As the world continues to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all adjusting daily to make sense of it all, protect our neighbors, and grasp the new normal. Until it changes again in another 5 minutes. As a pastor, I want to provide care, direction,

If Nothing Is Missing in Your Online Worship

Our church has been streaming services for years. We make it available for those who are homebound or traveling. We have a pretty good system of keeping our church family informed through online content. So when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we didn’t have to reinvent ourselves, but we did have to spotlight things we regularly use as supplements. For the

Leading a Church Financially Through a National Crisis

As we all navigate through challenging and changing scenarios predicated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are sure of one thing: we really aren’t sure how much this virus will impact our world. We know it is having an immediate impact, but how longstanding will the fallout be? While there are many challenging circumstances affecting our world (health, safety, security, fear,