The Changing of Majority

While the standard of morality within the United States continues to drift, Christians are left facing a different spiritual landscape. With the changing of the majority’s beliefs, we must adapt to ensure biblical faithfulness in rebellious times.

The Pressure of Popularity

With increasing pressure to fall into particular political camps, how are Christians supposed to navigate faithfully? We cannot give in to any cultural system, no matter how widely accepted, if it contradicts the truths of Scripture.

Political Pressure & the Consistent Christian

When a prophet was provoked by political pressure and a popular position, he resolved to stay faithful to God above anything else. In our lives, we must beware of adapting our beliefs to align with the culture.

It’s Not How You Start That Matters

If you searched for the 1 book that focuses on marriage out of the 66 books that compose the Bible, you would arrive at the book entitled The Song of Solomon or The Song of Songs. The biblical “expert” on marriage appears to be King Solomon. In his book, he wrote flattering comments about his bride, but none is as

Coming Down the Mountain

Preached at North Greenville University Chapel 1 Kings 18-19 After Elijah experienced God move mightily upon the mountaintop, his joy was short-lived due to following opposition.  God’s instruction to Elijah during his depressed state provides direction for our own troubled souls. Main Points Anyone can follow God during the revival, but only mature believers can follow Him during the routine.

Words to Live By

My sons hear me say lots of things.  They have gotten very accustomed to my voice. I was amazed at how even last night, all three of my children sat through an entire worship service on the front row where Daddy preached.  They stayed quiet and content the whole time.  I was so proud of them! While my sons at

Show Yourself a Man (So That Boys Will Know the Way)

David is known for many things in the Bible.

He was anointed as king at an early age. He killed Goliath as a young man when all the bravest soldiers in Israel were hiding. He made worship a big deal with God’s people.

He was a man after God’s own heart.

While he sinned greatly during his life, he knew the power of honest repentance and would find his way back to God. After a long life filled with ups and downs, David attempted to summarize his desire for his son, Solomon in some of his last words on earth.

Do you know what this man desired most for his son?