Processing Politics

Knowing that power corrupts on an individual level, we understand that political positions can wield an endangering level of corruption. As we process politics, we must keep them subservient to God’s rule and reign over our lives.

Reroute Tragic Legacies

Your past doesn’t have to define you. The mistakes you have made or those that others made and caused you to suffer consequences don’t have to determine your future. But to avoid that, you must consider how you must pivot as a result.

Consider Peer Standards

Your closest relationships will direct your most pivotal decisions. That’s why it is so important to consider the type of people you give the right to speak into your life. Have you ever considered how your relationships are encouraging you?

Adhere to Wise Counsel

You can’t make it far in life without having wise guides pointing out good directions on uncertain paths. I pray you have had parents, pastors, coaches, teachers, and bosses who have guided you, but are you following their instructions?

Learn from Parental Examples

Good, bad, or indifferent, we all have learned lessons from our parents. Yours might have been intentional or even estranged, but you can’t deny that their life has made an impact. Have you ever considered what to do with what you’ve learned?

Prioritize God’s Direction

We have all faced the looming decision that increased our anxiety. When we have to make the call, our values will come to the forefront without warning. So, before you make that next decision, have you ever considered what God desires you to do?

Leading Through Failures

Failures will either sideline us from future usefulness or motivate us for current development. We will make mistakes, but we don’t have to let them define us.

Be Watchful

If anyone should have had the advantage to repeat successes and to reject failures, it was King Rehoboam, son of Solomon and grandson of David.  But instead of learning from those before him, he actually did worse than them because he fell into five common traps that many men fall in as well.

Lies Associated with Anxiety

After Elijah experienced God move mightily upon the mountaintop, his joy was short-lived due to following opposition. God’s instruction to Elijah during his depressed state provides direction for our own troubled souls.