Where Do You Get Your Standard?

My standard will be inside me, beside me, behind me, or above me. Each of us have a standard.  It is the basis for which we make ethical decisions.  It is the benchmark by which we determine where and how far to jump.  But where does the standard come from? Our standard for morality will come from 1 of 4 …


My Favorite Character in the Bible

When I was ordained into the gospel ministry at North Side Baptist Church in 2003, I was overwhelmed by the weight of the moment.  As people prayed over me and exhorted me concerning what a pastor should be, I left that day a changed man.  While I believe that an ordination affirms God’s calling rather than creates it, I still …


Better vs. Biblical

It’s one thing to claim you are better, and another thing to claim you are biblical. Enjoy this video?  Check out the growing collection of Family Alter videos!

7 Reasons Your Bible Reading Is Inconsistent

As of late, I’ve had some great discussions concerning personal Bible reading.  While this spiritual disciplines post sparked some great conversation, I’ve also been trying to step up my intentionality in training my family, friends, and anyone who wants to listen concerning the need to read the Bible.  For many years, Christians have called time in the Word and prayer

My 3 Daily Spiritual Disciplines

Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.  -1 Timothy 4:7 If anything other than godliness is your purpose for spiritual disciplines, you will lose momentum.  Spiritual disciplines are not to earn God’s love, increase his favor for you, or to help him by supplying something lacking in him.  God doesn’t need you to spend time with him.  If you don’t spend

10 Biblical Tips on Productivity and Laziness

Many people neglect reading the Bible due to a false assumption that it doesn’t speak to where a person is in life. That couldn’t be further from the truth.  Even as it relates to work, productivity, effort, and laziness, the Bible is very clear regarding how we should live in this world. Here are 10 biblical tips on productivity and

Doers of the Word

I recorded this mini-sermon for a university team to watch while they were on the road.  I pray it is a blessing to you. James 1:22-25 teaches that we are not to be merely hearers of the Word but doers of the Word.

The Best Devotional Book I’ve Ever Read

I am often asked about a devotional book for someone who wants to grow.  I have read many devotionals and, in fact, I have written many devotionals for people.  In the past, I had a couple of books that I would recommend. In recent years, I have had a complete turnaround in this department.  Without hesitation, there is one devotional