End Bible Poverty for the Mushere People

My 7-year-old son, Obadiah, and I have been talking a lot about the Bible these days.  I told him that there are people around the world who have never been able to read it because it has never been translated in their language.  This fact overwhelmed him.  It truly shook him up. We decided to do something about it.  We …


What Birthday Present I Am Hoping For

So, today is my Birthday.  I am so grateful for another year of life! I know you are embarrassed because you haven’t gotten me anything yet.  It’s OK.  I will tell you exactly what I am hoping for on my birthday. My 7-year-old son, Obadiah, and I have been talking a lot about the Bible these days.  I told him …


Washing by the Water of the Word

Last year, we celebrated my birthday at Family Camp and this year, Amanda gets the honors!  We get to celebrate the love of my life today who deserves celebrating every day of every year! I love the picture above because it describes us right now.  Making sure we have those moments to connect and enjoy one another even while a …


3-Year Bible Study Plan

Here is an additional Family Ministry update for your viewing pleasure.  We are excited to announce that one of the ways we are going to equip parents is by providing a 3-year Bible study plan for the entire family!

3-Year Plan

This plan will include:

  1. All ages on the same passage every week (except for Christmas and Easter where children will focus primarily on those significant events due to their importance at reclaiming those holidays).
  2. No more different ages in different places.  This effort is to fight against isolationist Christian growth and get back to what the Bible teaches concerning the centrality of the home (Mal. 4:6; Deut. 6:4-9).
  3. 3-Year plan going chronologically through the Scriptures so that you can see the grand narrative of the Bible instead of isolated stories and events.
  4. 18 months in the Old Testament and 18 months in the New Testament will allow a great coverage.
  5. If a family member promotes up to next age classing, they don’t miss a beat because we are all covering the same passages (preschool up to children, children up to students, etc.).
  6. Family discipleship can take place much easier because you will know what your children are learning without having to dig.
  7. Ages 1 to 100+ will all be together as well.  This means that grandparents and aunts and uncles and all family members (family unit and church unit) can share what they are learning through God’s Word!
  8. While our relaunch of Family Ministry happens in August 16, this curriculum will launch 3 weeks later on September 6th.  We want the system to be running well before new curriculum.
  9. If you aren’t in a discipleship group yet, now is the time to join one because this effort will help draw yourself and your family together around the Word like never before!

Gospel Project Chronological Promo

Description of the 16 Songs at “The Word”

If you haven’t missed 1 Sunday in the last year, you have already heard 11 of the 16 songs we will be leading at “The Word.”  As we went through different studies at the church, we have introduced these songs along the way.  Hopefully, that will translate into you singing out tonight and Saturday! That also means that you have

You Really Do Have Enough Time to Read the Bible

As believers, we need to dedicate ourselves to the study of the Bible. When I actually started studying and memorizing Scripture in college, everything changed.  One of the most foundational verses of Scripture for me was Joshua 1:8: This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you

Bible Memory Starter Set

I get asked often: “What are some good Bible verses to memorize?” If you are just starting to memorize Scripture or trying to go even further with this wonderful spiritual discipline, I would love to help. Here is advice I regularly give: Establish Fighter Verses – Acknowledge the weak areas in your life right now.  Establish how the Devil is attacking

Doers of the Word

We always desire to make the Word the center of our services, but it is especially helpful when the text leading us today focuses on the Word! 19 This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear,slow to speak and slow to anger; 20 for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. 21 Therefore, putting

“The Word” Song Listing

“The Word” is getting closer by the day. As we attempt to tell the grand narrative of the Bible, we set out to compose songs that communicate those truths and worship Jesus at every stop. Our team has never studied more, prayed more, and analyzed more.  We have spent an untold number of hours nitpicking lyrics because of our commitment to