92 Degrees on a Flatbed

Amy got our praise band a place to serve on this lovely Saturday.  The Salvation Army Church was throwing a neighborhood party and wanted some musicians on a flatbed truck.  I am so thankful that they picked it on a day that is supposed to get up to 92 degrees!  That means I got to sweat five pounds off! We …


My Project Title

As I am continuing my week at seminary, I must say that this has been a busy week. After working through how to format my dissertation for a few days, we have now been in class talking about the history of our country’s revivals. At night, I change poopy diapers and try to get as much research in Southern’s library …


Southeast Christian Church

Being away from North Side was a bit different today. I can’t remember the last time I “went to church” without serving. I showed up at a place. I parked in a visitor’s spot. And I had to go to the help desk for info. Very different, but I learned a ton. We went to Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, …


Intentional Relationships

We got to celebrate fathers today at North Side in a fun way.  At the 11:15 Obie, Cory, Cory’s son, Nate, and me started the festivities with some Father’s Day Superlatives.  We couldn’t select any winners for the “Loudest Snoring Dad” award because there were too many people pointing fingers at the fathers in the house.  After our time of …


#4 Conviction on Worship by Rick Warren

4. While unbelievers can’t worship, they can watch believers worship. We see this truth lived out in Acts 2. “They worshiped together regularly at the Temple each day, met in small groups in homes for Communion, and shared their meals with great joy and thankfulness, praising God. The whole city was favorable to them, and each day God added to …


Body of Christ (Images of the Church – #4 of 7)

Another image that Paul utilized to describe the church was that of the body of Christ.  Paul’s use of the analogy of the church serving as a body was a common illustration utilized in the popular Stoic philosophy of the day.  In this context, Jesus is not seen as a part of this body, but individual Christians compose the body …


Branches on a Vine (Images of the Church – #3 of 7)

Today’s entry is number 3 on the New Testament images of the church: Branches on a Vine Nearing his imminent sacrifice upon the cross, Jesus emphasized that the church’s function was to be viewed as branches on a vine. In the Old Testament, Isaiah depicted the nation of Israel as the vine, but in the New Testament, Jesus assumed this …