My Favorite Bibles and Books for Kids

Recently, someone asked me a question regarding family discipleship and my wife responded for me, “How much time do you have?” I’m very passionate about the subject. It’s been a burden for our home and ministry. The topic was the focus of my doctorate. Since I talk about it a lot, I often get asked what Bibles or books do

When Your Spiritual Growth Seems Stunted

As believers, we should be in a state of spiritual growth, but too often, we seem to be stuck in the same place. If there is a true profession of faith, there should be a true progression of faith. In this episode of The 2nd Mile Podcast, we discuss the importance of selecting that next spiritual discipline to make intentional

Introducing The 2nd Mile Podcast

I have started a podcast in 2019 entitled The 2nd Mile. While our church has a podcast that archives weekly sermons, I wanted a platform to equip others in their pursuit of Christ.  I have grown so much from listening to podcasts, and I want to take advantage of this platform and opportunity to speak some specific truth into willing

The Most Critical Spiritual Environment (Is the One in Which You Live)

LifeWay Research conducted a national survey of 1,200 adults with children under 18 at home.  They attempted to discover what parents defined as “successful parenting.”  Their findings were interesting yet not shocking. 25% of those interviewed would view their jobs as parents as successful if their children were happy as adults. 22% were hoping their children would find success in

The Stroll Around Seminary That Changed Everything

In the summer of 2018, I got the privilege to preach for Fuge Camps at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.  It was a part my alumni summer as I spent a week there and a week at North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC.  I received my undergraduate from NGU and my masters and doctorate from Southern.  It

Collegiates Casually Committed to Christ

Many college students treat their spiritual life like a compartmentalized doggie box. You know those types of boxes that have different compartments for the different types of food?  Due to a fear of the food touching, it keeps these different items separate from one another.  Many students I know do that with the different sections of their lives. You have

Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go

Jesus taught His disciples regarding the incompatible nature of following Him halfway. As He still calls us today, He is expecting us to abandon all this world has to offer for the greater treasure of knowing Him. Mark 8:34-9:1 34 And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him

Spiritual Amnesia

For a second time, Jesus leads a faithless group of disciples to help feed a great crowd of hungry people. Failing to remember Jesus’ power in the past can cause us to question His ability in the present for our physical and spiritual needs. Mark 8:1-26 8 In those days, when again a great crowd had gathered, and they had nothing

How to Have An Effective Group

Groups are important.  Whether you call them Gospel Groups, small groups, community groups, discipleship groups, Sunday School classes, Bible study groups, etc., the committed gathering of a smaller group of believers is essential to discipleship.