Don’t Stay Spiritually Immature

All of us are not as spiritually mature as we desire to be, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay that way. You must decide if you will stay stuck or get intentional about the next ways you need to grow.

Unpopular Christianity

Jesus spoke of His way being a narrow path that few find themselves upon, and our world is full of people who create their own paths of distorted Christianity. If the religious way is popular, it’s probably not the Jesus way.

Counting the Cost of Discipleship

Being a disciple of Jesus is more than adherence to a set of beliefs or acceptance to a momentary call; following Christ in this world changes everything. To say “yes” to Him might mean saying “no” to other things that we love.

The True Vine

John 15:1-8 – We cannot settle for a human intermediary to regulate our relationship with God. Jesus has invited us to know Him and to abide with HIm closely.

Everyone Discipling Someone

Jesus did not reserve the Great Commission for those with special degress or extensive experiences. He plans to use ordinary people to fulfill the task of discipleship.

Seeking Lifelong Discipleship

Psalm 119:97-112 – Just because someone is seasoned does not mean they are scriptural. We need personal commitment and committed disciple-makers to follow God’s ways for the long haul. 

The Grandfather I Longed to See

When I was younger, I thought that this photo on my grandmother’s wall was a photo of my deceased grandfather. I later found out that he was a symbol of what so many were longing to see: an older, faithful disciple of Jesus finishing strong.

Why Some Christians Never Grow Up

When someone receives the gospel, that individual starts the journey of discipleship. We often classify such new believers as spiritual infants. But what happens if those young in their faith never grow past their initial faith commitment?

Growth Is Gradual

We can only fully mature in Christ by acknowledging the work that still needs to be done. As we observe the rough edges of our spiritual conditions, we can work with Christ’s power to see progress in the most critical areas of our lives.

Pursuing Alignment

In the midst of many opportunities for spiritual growth, we can lack a needed sense of alignment. What if we are guilty of widespread efforts that only provide shallow understanding? Focus might be the component we’ve been missing.