Mark 1:40-45 – Not only is Jesus willing to meet us in our problems, but He is able to change our lives in the midst of them [Sermon at Anderson University Campus Worship].
Your issues don’t intimidate Jesus, and your efforts don’t impress Him.
- Leprosy is a vivid illustration of what sin does to each of us.
- Distances religious life (Lev. 13:1-3)
- Goes deeper than the surface (Lev. 13:3)
- Spreads relentlessly (Lev. 13:5-8)
- Makes one unclean (Lev. 13:44-45)
- Isolates from community (Lev. 13:46)
- Deserves the fire (Lev. 13:52)
- If we get desperate enough to approach Jesus, we really don’t care what others might think about us.
- Jesus is more powerful than we give Him credit and more willing than we can fathom.
- Before Jesus ever cleanses our mess, He first embraces it.
- Jesus never sought to expand an ever-growing crowd of religious consumers.
- Obedience is the proof of transformation – not the prerequisite.
- Growing disciples align themselves with the people of God and the Word of God.
- It’s difficult to determine if Jesus changed your life if you never talk about it.
- The only way that dirty people become clean is if Jesus takes their place.
- Jesus is willing to meet you where you are and able to lead you from it.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.