Anti-Narcissism on Display

Jesus didn’t demand respect, so He deserves it all the more. In a world full of people expecting recognition, please give it to the One who never required it. 

All of the Bible Points to Jesus

1 Peter 1:10-12 – Peter realized that Jesus fulfilled all Old Testament prophecies regarding the Messiah. Looking back over the Scriptures, we realize that the gospel was always God’s original plan.

Jesus Didn’t Flinch

Jesus’ sacrifice would be amazing if He had gone through it while unprepared, but the amazing thing is that He knew about it and didn’t run from it. Jesus didn’t flinch when it came to securing our redemption.

The True Vine

John 15:1-8 – We cannot settle for a human intermediary to regulate our relationship with God. Jesus has invited us to know Him and to abide with HIm closely.

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:1-11 – Life is short, eternity is long, and each of us will spend somewhere forever. We can confidently trust Jesus because He has prepared a place in heaven for His followers.

Jesus Knows Me This I Know

I grew up singing the line, “Jesus loves me, this I know,” but what makes His love so incredible is His complete knowledge of me. He knows us, and He invites us to know Him.

The Light of the World

John 8:12-20 – In a world full of darkness, Jesus claimed to be the light that each of us needs. His illumination provides insight into who He is and clarity about where we should go.

Why We Need a Shepherd

When you consider the lack of formidable qualities of sheep, you might feel offended that Scripture regularly compares us to such creatures. But with such a helpless designation, we realize how reliable our Shepherd is.

The Bread of Life

John 6:22-40 – For people who desired another heavenly handout, Jesus offered Himself as the only thing to sustain us. Only through Christ can you be truly satisfied.

Righteousness Comes Through Faith

Jesus was a perfect sacrifice in that He required no reconciliation on His behalf because He never sinned. His perfectly righteous status enabled Him to take our place and provide us with the necessary righteousness.