6 Common Components in a Growing Disciple

I love hearing people’s testimonies.  Celebrating the uniqueness of each powerful story encourages my faith in who God is and what he can do. One thing I have noticed about those who grow in Christ is that even though their stories are different, common components emerge in almost every story.  In fact, the more stories I hear, the more often …


Fasting and Discipleship

Fasting is an important and yet overlooked spiritual discipline.  While most disciplines encourage people to do something, fasting encourages people to do without something.

Fasting is the voluntary denial of physical food for spiritual purposes. 


Prayer and Discipleship

A personal prayer habit is vitally important in the life of a disciple maker.  Not only does it remind us of our dependence upon God for sanctification, but we must also model healthy prayer disciplines in our discipleship of others.

We learn how to pray by praying.


Seeking Heaven While Still on Earth

Colossians 3:1-11 Seeking Heaven While Still on Earth While the place of heaven is our destination, the way of heaven should be our pursuit.  As disciples, we are to put to death the deeds of this world and to put on the new self as we seek the things above. After Paul addresses the Colossians’ doctrinal integrity (1-2), he instructs their

Scripture Memory and Discipleship

While reading Scripture is vitally important, oftentimes, we forget what we have read as soon as we have closed our Bibles.  The lost of art of meditating and memorizing Scripture is a key discipline in the life of the disciple.

We must discipline our minds to have the words of the Bible accessible even when a copy of the Bible is not available.


Bible Study and Discipleship

A key component in personal discipleship is the practice of spiritual disciplines.  Spiritual disciplines are not meant to make you more liked by Jesus but more like Jesus.  We discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness (1 Tim. 4:7).

No discipline is more important than regular Bible study because it encourages every other spiritual discipline.


Disciples Have Deep Roots

Colossians 2:6-2:15 Disciples Have Deep Roots Satan will use deceitful doctrine to distract disciples from being established in the faith.  Disciples must be rooted in Christ and established in biblical doctrine to persevere. Mature Growth (Col. 2:6-7) A disciple must have deep roots to experience mature growth. Walking with Christ is characterized by steady progress in discipleship. Biblical Doctrine (Col. 2:8-10)

What Billy Graham Would Have Done if He Served as a Local Pastor

Billy Graham has preached to over 215 million people in more than 185 countries in his lifetime.  His impact for Kingdom work is significant.  Have you ever wondered what he would have done if he served as a local pastor instead of an evangelist?  He was asked that question years ago and his response was recorded in Robert Coleman’s masterpiece, The

Discipleship in the New Testament

[Guest Post by Bryce Staggs – Rocky Creek Pastoral Resident]

The writers of the New Testament show an importance in discipleship using the word “disciple” over 260 times and the word “Christian” only 3 times. We echo that discipleship is important, but do we know why it’s important, what we should teach, or how to do it?