Social Distancing and Spiritual Growth

When it comes to the work of our salvation and sanctification, who is ultimately responsible? Scripture indicates that God works hard through our hard work. How spiritually healthy would your family be if the church doors had to close? The mature Christian must show diligence in personal responsibility and dependence on God’s activity. Philippians 2:12-13 12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have

Quarantined Discipleship

Life as we know it as changed just a wee bit. With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives are being changed. If you aren’t quarantined, you are at least limited. So, what should you do when your schedule has changed and the world is in fear? It’s time to go the 2nd mile in quarantined discipleship.

Set Apart

I had the wonderful privilege of preaching at Edwards Road Baptist Church’s DNOW 2020. The theme was “Set Apart.” Here are the notes from our sessions together. Session 1 – Set Apart 1 Peter 1:13-16 If God has provided necessary holiness, we should pursue practical holiness (1:13). One sign that we belong to Jesus is if we are fighting against

God Will Finish What He Started

God began a good work in you, and He never leaves anything unfinished. While you are not there yet, He will gradually help you make progress. Philippians 1:1-11 1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Distinctive Discipleship [Book Overview]

If every Christian is in a unique place surrounded by specific challenges, why do we think that a broad approach will work for every single one of us?  In this 11-chapter book, you can learn the biblical framework for discipleship and a practical guide to getting started with your own growth or in helping to disciple another. Like me, you

Evangelism Is Necessary But Not Ultimate

The Great Commission calls us to make disciples – not converts. As he ascended into the skies, Jesus clarified our purpose of discipleship when he delivered the Great Commission. The job is incomplete when someone comes to faith in Christ. Discipleship – and not conversion – is the goal. Evangelism is necessary, but it is not ultimate.

You Can Make a Disciple

Most Christians can easily communicate the importance of making disciples, but few can articulate how they are personally engaging in the process. Proclaiming the need for discipleship in theory is not the same as prioritizing its implementation in life. Most churches and ministries are very busy with numerous activities, yet many regularly lament the lack of tangible success despite extensive

The MIA Mentors

For all the sermons you have heard, for all the studies you have completed, for all the events you have attended, for all the books you have read, and for all the lessons you have learned, you are desperately in need of someone a little ahead of you to show you the way. The missing component in most of our

Counting the Cost of Discipleship

Each of us must count the cost to follow Jesus. We need more than motivation to begin; we need preparation to endure. If not careful, we will start with high aspirations yet fail to follow through due to a lack of planning.  Listen to the podcast below or subscribe to your favorite podcast app here.

Despairing Discipleship

It’s an easy target these days to criticize how pastors and churches in the past never discipled anyone. If we spent half the time that we have spent criticizing how others haven’t discipled people and instead invested that time to actually disciple others, we would start fixing our problem. The desperate need for discipleship seems to be a cyclical point