When Life’s Not Fair

Ecclesiastes 8:1-17 – When we see the ungodly flourish and the godly struggle, we might question God’s standard of fairness. Part of trusting God is acknowledging that we may not understand why certain things happen.

Recovering After Failure

It may not sound encouraging to anticipate failure as we follow Jesus, but none of us will always get it right. We should not wonder if we will fail, but we should consider how Jesus desires us to respond when the unavoidable happens.

Experiencing Abundant Peace

Psalm 119:161-176 – We cannot avoid trouble in this life, but we can experience abundant peace through every trial. Keep a diligent desire to follow God’s instructions through hard times so you can endure.

Some Days Are Just Hard

No matter how positive you try to be, some days are just more difficult than others. The work of Jesus should put our challenges in a healthy and needed perspective.

Interpreting God-Given Afflictions

Psalm 119:65-80 – You can only say that God does all things well if you can accept that He does rightfully bring discipline into our lives. God can even use afflictions for our instruction. 

Strengthening Weary Souls

Psalm 119:17-32 – We live in an increasingly strange world with combative critics and challenging circumstances. God has given us the Bible as an uplifting gift to strengthen our souls when we’re weary.

The LORD Is My Healer

Exodus 15:22-27 – When the Israelites discovered bitter water at the beginning of their trek through the wilderness, God instructed Moses on how to make it sweet. God reminded them that He is their Healer, and we must remember that no situation is behind His remedying. 

When Things Get Worse Before They Get Better

Exodus 5:1-6:1 – Moses’ initial efforts only increased Pharaoh’s narcissistic rage and the Israelites’ horrific conditions. We must hold on to God’s promises when things get worse before they get better.

Down But Not Out

The people of God know what it is like to be down but not out. No matter the opposition we encounter, our God continues to hold us steadfast.