Leading By Example

A position may grant you the right to give orders, but a true leader is one who diligently works alongside others. Your example lived in front of others will be the most remarkable leadership lesson you could ever teach. 

What Is the Entrust Institute?

The Entrust Institute is a unique learning experience partnering with a local church to achieve both seminary training and practical ministry experience. We are committed to the ministry of training those committed to the ministry.

Leading with Humility

The world characterizes leaders as those who have achieved so much that others serve them; the Word surprisingly teaches that the best leaders are the humblest of servants. Humility distinguishes authentic leadership.

Servant Leadership [Entrust Course]

According to the practice of Jesus, His way of leadership is counter-cultural. Discover the biblical truths of authentic leadership and how you can leverage that in your life for the glory of God and the good of others.

Holistic Mission

Throughout the years, Christianity has struggled to maintain the proper balance of sharing both the gospel and compassion. As followers of Jesus, we are called to display His kindness in both word and deed.

Survey of the Global Church

We misreport history and misrepresent reality when we consider Christianity a Western religion. The Church is a worldwide phenomenon with trends that will surprise the observant. 

Biblical Basis for Missions

The Bible does not contain missional sections; the Bible itself is a missional book. The overarching narrative of Scripture depicts a God going to a lost world with the hope of the gospel. 

Intro to Christian Missions

As followers of Jesus, our mission is to make disciples of all nations. Discover the redemptive plan of God and His expectation for how you are to be involved.

The Entrust Podcast

There’s a new name. A new logo. What’s happening? We’re so glad you asked. Hear what God is doing through the Entrust Institute and our plans for the coming year.