Run Like a Girl

We live in a time that is in desperate need to protect the rights of women. My daughter is committed to doing her part so other girls have their chance as well.

Three Reminders for the Next Generation

Parents want the best for their children.  Would you be willing to give the best to your children even if it included getting intentional and personal? Psalm 78:1-8 teaches that each generation needs to be reminded of 3 things: The Faithfulness of God The Frailties of the Past The Focus of the Future The Faithfulness of God The next generation

When Your Family Hinders Your Discipleship

As Jesus’ influence increased, His family attempted to hinder His ministry.  Jesus taught that sometimes doing the will of God will incur the opposition of your physical family and secure the support of your spiritual family.


Discipleship Strategy for Your Family

Within the family contains one of the greatest opportunities for discipleship and one of the greatest challenges for consistency. Your family members provide you the greatest opportunity to encourage and to discourage spiritual growth.


God’s Plan for Your Family

God’s plan for your family is not complex.  We make it that way, but it is truly simple.  This is the plan:

God wants to reconcile the world to Himself through Christ-following parents who disciple their own children to multiply gospel transformation to all people.     


3 Vital Concepts Regarding Marriage and Money

One of the greatest sources of conflict in marriage is finances.  

Money isn’t the root of evil.  The love of money is the root of evil (1 Tim. 6:10).  Money alters the way people think and act.  People think, say, and do unexpected things when it comes to the increasing accumulation of wealth. 


When Jesus Saved My Son [Twice Actually]

Jesus saved my son.

On Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018, Eli received the gospel of Jesus Christ and my son became my brother.

We waited to announce it publicly until now because Eli wanted to tell some people face to face.  He has always preferred quiet moments in which to share things.  I have loved watching him tell the story to others.  He desires to be baptized (to celebrate his rebirth-day) on his actual birthday and we are so excited.

In reality, Jesus saved my son twice.


Unpacking the In-Law Baggage

Marriage comes with baggage.  In particular, in-law baggage. When you marry a person, you inherit a family.  Whether or not you realized it, your marriage came as a packaged deal.  You just added a slew of people who are now considered as family. The marriage union is distinct from any other relationship.  Once the vows have been spoken, your previous

13 Ways to Exasperate Your Children

Children are a blessing as long as you don’t lead them to be a burden. Part of the role of parents is to shape children to be all that God has called them to be.  That takes time.  Growing weeds doesn’t take effort – growing gardens demands patience and care.  If you want your children to be successful, you have

Disciples in the Home

Colossians 3:18-21 Disciples in the Home Authentic discipleship moves from the church and should eventually change the home.  Disciples obey God’s commands for how families are to treat one another particularly in the relationship between husband and wife and between parent and child. Submissive Wives (Col. 3:18) Since men need significance, God calls wives to submit to their husbands. If