Why Our Children Are Messed Up

Oftentimes, parents want to know what is wrong with their children. Why do they act the way they do? Why do they say the things they say? Every parent has lifted (or thrown) their child upwards towards the skies. While this movement is meant for the child’s delight, it is a symbol of what most parents what for their children

The Role Model Your Child Desperately Needs

As we registered our sons to play Upward Basketball at our church, there was one question lingering at the end of the form.  The question read: “Would you be willing to coach your child’s team?”  It should have included a checkbox for, “Do you want to be a glutton for punishment?” I realized that I had yet to coach my

The Small Issue in Your Marriage That Will Make a Big Mess

Before moving into a house, most people go through a home inspection. Years ago, our inspector caught numerous issues that had to be addressed, but he missed a small one. Honestly, the discrepancy was only a few centimeters. I never even noticed it until we had been in the house for quite some time. The discrepancy was a pipe that

“Never Trust a Man”

It was a Saturday adventure. We just decided to get in the car and drive to downtown Greenville and enjoy the afternoon as a family. As we drew closer, we noticed that traffic seemed busier than normal. Apparently, we had arrived at the Annual Duck Derby. We didn’t even know such a thing existed. As numerous people purchased a rubber

“There’s Nothing Less Important…”

As fans of Clemson Tigers, my family really enjoyed the National Championship game after a great season.  Finishing 15-0, ACC champions, CFP Champions, beating Notre Dame (30-3) in the semifinal, and then beating Alabama (44-16) in the final game was an incredible list of accomplishments. The mid-season had its fair share of uncertainties.  Dabo chose freshman Trevor Lawrence to start

Start Acting Like a Child

In a time when people viewed children as distracting annoyances, Jesus intentionally prioritized them. Not only should we prioritize children, but we should start acting like them when it comes to the Kingdom of God. Mark 10:13-16 13 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them.14 But when Jesus saw it, he was

What God Has Joined Together

Jesus was questioned regarding the nature of marriage and the opportunity for divorce. When an eternal God puts something together, it should last forever. Let Nothing Separate By determining what issues are worthy of divorce, many people attempt to discover a way out of their marriage. Due to the stubborn nature of people, God provided a civil manner through divorce

The Most Critical Spiritual Environment (Is the One in Which You Live)

LifeWay Research conducted a national survey of 1,200 adults with children under 18 at home.  They attempted to discover what parents defined as “successful parenting.”  Their findings were interesting yet not shocking. 25% of those interviewed would view their jobs as parents as successful if their children were happy as adults. 22% were hoping their children would find success in

The Stroll Around Seminary That Changed Everything

In the summer of 2018, I got the privilege to preach for Fuge Camps at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY.  It was a part my alumni summer as I spent a week there and a week at North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC.  I received my undergraduate from NGU and my masters and doctorate from Southern.  It

Rethinking Family Ministry

The tide is growing for family ministry in churches all over America.  People see the need for a biblical approach to discipling all ages, but many are unsure of a path and fearful of initiating a change.  Maybe you feel like the building blocks are there, but you don’t have the diagram to tell you where to start. As you