Don’t Die Before Living

Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 – None of us can escape that our lives will end, but we can do something about how we take advantage of the opportunities given. Don’t overlook God’s gifts along the way.

Furthering Families

Our families are consumed with pursuing achievements and losing each other in the process. Discover biblical principles necessary to further your family toward God’s ideal.

Ambitiously Rich and Relationally Poor

Ecclesiastes 4:4-5:7 – You can have all this world has to offer and no one to share it with due to how you align your priorities. Ensure your life has the margin to grow relationally with God and others.

My 2023 in 23 Photos

It is difficult to summarize all that happens in life, family, ministry, and church within a year, but I wanted to try. Looking back helps me see God’s faithful hand all along the way.

Peaceful Family Gatherings

Regardless of your specific traditions, Thanksgiving week is often characterized by food, family, and football, but for many of us, it’s also known for frustration. It’s time to go the second mile in having peaceful family gatherings.

Children and Evangelism

The Gospel is not just for those of a certain age. Jesus himself teaches that we should invite children to believe in Him. Ultimately, Evangelism begins in the home. 

Reroute Tragic Legacies

Your past doesn’t have to define you. The mistakes you have made or those that others made and caused you to suffer consequences don’t have to determine your future. But to avoid that, you must consider how you must pivot as a result.

Church Changes to Unite Families

If we are not careful, our churches’ programming will widen the division already present among family members. Here are some changes to consider regarding how your church can unite your family to pursue Christ.

Honoring Parents

Exodus 20:12 – The fifth commandment instructs all people, regardless of age, to honor their parents. God has created the family structure to be a training ground for how we embody care and respect authority.

Fight for Your Family

Church leaders equipping committed parents to disciple their children will accomplish much for the Kingdom and keep the next generation secure. In the fight to protect the home, the church leadership can and should provide the right tools to defend the home.