Leave & Cleave

Marriage cannot work if someone has a higher priority than the spouse. There must be a thorough yet healthy leaving of one’s initial family and a complete and eager cleaving of one’s unique spouse. It is essential.

Programs, Personalities, or Parents

Take full responsibility for the spiritual development of your children. God’s initial plan for the discipleship of the next generation was the home, and He has not changed His mind on the matter.

VBS 2022

We are having a great week sharing Christ with some incredible children. Here are some updates and recaps as they come this week.

Your Kids Need an Intentional Home & Church

If I consider all the homes that have created a spiritually-flourishing environment, there are common characteristics. With the challenges of our society, I believe a partnered effort between the home and the church is essential for success.

Be Watchful

If anyone should have had the advantage to repeat successes and to reject failures, it was King Rehoboam, son of Solomon and grandson of David.  But instead of learning from those before him, he actually did worse than them because he fell into five common traps that many men fall in as well.

Regathering Your Voices

I’m about to encourage you to do something that you may think is odd or reserved for a particular elite. I want to encourage you to gather your family together and sing. Make it a priority to declare God’s goodness alongside each other and do it outloud.

Setting Your Table

I want to reintroduce a revolutionary idea that could change your most important relationships. I want to encourage you to set the table. Gather the people closest in your life, sit down, eat a great meal, turn off the tech, and engage one another. It’s time to go the second mile in setting your table. 

Regulating Your Entertainment

Entertainment can inspire us to enjoy the wonder of the life God has given us, or it can entrap us into addictive and unhelpful patterns. We all have certain shows, movies, and media we love, but the danger comes when we lose our filter and limitations. It’s time to go the second mile in regulating your entertainment.

Leaving Your Work (At Work)

With the rise of technology, we have learned that you never really have to leave work. You are a simple laptop away from robust apps or a phone away from your emails or a cloud away from all your files. But with the inability to clock out, our souls and families suffer. It’s time to go the second mile in leaving your work at work.