Filling Your Speech

Each of us has varying levels of fear of saying the wrong things, so much so that we can become mute, unwilling to speak at all. Instead of trying to find something clever to say, base your speech on God’s truth.

Handling Your Critics

No matter how much progress you make in life, there will always be those telling you how far you still have to go. Fear of others immobilizes us. We must learn to listen to God’s perspective on us over our critics.

Addressing Your Insecurities

When we focus on our perceived inabilities, we miss the opportunity to watch God work through us. To remedy our immobility, we must focus on what He can do rather than obsessing about what we cannot.

Embracing God’s Design

Were we designed intentionally, or did we appear accidentally? That debate has been going on for quite some time. Nowadays, the more intense disagreement arises from not if we were made but how we were made. What does the image of God mean?

Securing the Church

With the rise of gun violence and sexual abuse cases, it is important to know what we do as a church for precautionary measures. While no steps can guarantee the avoidance of such a tragedy, we seek to be diligent to minimize the possibilities.

When My Insecurities Increase

I don’t question God’s ability, but I really doubt my own. But in my self-doubting, I am subtly projecting doubt on God as well. If he made me and placed me, do I really believe that he can use me?

Burdensome Leaders

Within the church, we understand that we can’t have perfect leaders, but somewhere along the way, we’ve grown to accept pathetic leaders. What happens when we water down the requirements for leaders? The whole church drowns. It’s time to go the second mile with demanding for more than burdensome leaders.

God Knew Me Before There Was Anything to Know

Have you ever felt inadequate for something you felt called to do?  Have you ever been overwhelmed at the task at hand? God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. Jeremiah began his work as a prophet during the time that King Josiah reigned (Jer. 1:2).  King Josiah had started a religious reform in the nation (2 Kings 22), …


So Long Tonsils

I’m going under the knife this morning at 9:30. When I returned from Ethiopia, I brought back all kinds of special bugs and germs from my time in the orphanage.  It’s kind of hard to turn down all these kids reaching for the white giant who can rescue them from their cribs.  One of the bugs I brought back was …