So Long Tonsils

I’m going under the knife this morning at 9:30.

When I returned from Ethiopia, I brought back all kinds of special bugs and germs from my time in the orphanage.  It’s kind of hard to turn down all these kids reaching for the white giant who can rescue them from their cribs.  One of the bugs I brought back was a rough case of tonsillitis.

After that, Amanda noticed I was snoring (“noticed” is a nice way to put it).  She actually said it sounded like I was gasping for air.  After a while with no improvement, I went to see the doctor.

He told me my tonsils were the size of a golf ball and a half and were pretty much blocking my air waves.  My big adenoids weren’t helping either.  I tried to donate these organs to some needy children, but I was turned down.  Tragic.

He asked me, “Do you ever feel hoarse when leading worship on Sunday or just feel vocally tired?  Do you ever feel like you are gasping for breath when you preach or teach?”


I was breathing through my mouth and that wasn’t that much air either.  Since I’ve told family and friends, everyone comments how it is a really difficult recovery the older you get insinuating my aging status.  All good.  I’ve got a bell, a doodle pad (kid’s toy dry erase board), and a 6 pound bag of gummy bears, so I’ll be good to go.

Amanda will appreciate your prayers taking care of me who has yet to see how I react to pain medication (I’m hiding the video cameras…) since I’ve never had surgery.  It might not be a bad thing to force me to rest either.  We’ve been going pretty fast for a while.

Since communication is my livelihood, I would appreciate your prayers that this surgery allow me to preach, teach, and sing Jesus’ gospel even more than before!

But if I say, “I will not remember Him
Or speak anymore in His name,”
Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
And I am weary of holding
it in,
And I cannot endure
it.  -Jeremiah 20:9

[When able, I’ll update this post later to tell you how things are going – thanks for your prayers!]

27 thoughts on “So Long Tonsils”

  1. When I had my toncils removed 60 yrs. ago, it was not all bad. I got to eat all the ice cream I wanted for two weeks. I took advantage of a bad situation. Pray all goes

  2. Eat lots of popsicles. They go down easier and don't coat your throat like ice cream does. I'll be praying fo

  3. When I had my toncils removed 60 yrs. ago, it was not all bad. I got to eat all the ice cream I wanted for two weeks. I took advantage of a bad situation. Pray all goes well.

  4. Eat lots of popsicles. They go down easier and don't coat your throat like ice cream does. I'll be praying for you.

  5. Yeah, those pictures are kind of gross and that guy looks nothing like you. Praying for you man…maybe you will sound like Robert Goulet with your tonsils out..

  6. Yeah, those pictures are kind of gross and that guy looks nothing like you. Praying for you man…maybe you will sound like Robert Goulet with your tonsils out…SWEET

  7. Thanks for all your prayers! Dr. Rust did a jam up job. I’m talking some and eating some. The pain meds make me tingly, the steroids make me jittery, I don’t think the antibiotics are phasing me…wait, is that a leprechaun?!

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