Church Staff Reality TV Show

8dd047dd61b832392e Being on a church staff is not exactly what you think it would be.  Unless you have been a part of one, you can’t really appreciate the randomness that can happen in a week.

Sure there are the tasks that you might expect, but then there are the things they don’t train you for in seminary.  In my first 10 years of ministry on a church staff, I wish I would had been trained how to subdue a violent person, unload a handgun, helping someone who is confident their house is haunted, confront someone siphoning gas from the church parking lot, minister to someone in Jesus name who thinks he is Jesus, bats swooping down on people in worship, how to keep a straight face when people high on medication try to explain why they are in the hospital, and the regular weekly stuff like that.

So, I had this idea.  It’s a great idea even though it will never work.  Wouldn’t you love to see a church staff reality TV show?


Church Matters

Church Matters_t

Sunday, we are starting a series at North Side entitled “Church Matters.”  During the summer, we are going to look at what the New Testament says about what a church is and is not.

Much confusion exists today on what a church is and what a church should be doing.  We hope to clarify that.  Not with our opinions or thoughts, but the Word of God.

We recently got some church members together to talk about how being a part of North Side has changed their lives.  It was incredible to listen to their stories:


“There Aren’t Enough Hours in the Day!”

  Time is one of those things that you can never get back.  We all have an appointed time to live, and we will not see another second of it.  Everyone has a certain purpose to live for on this earth, and when that purpose is accomplished, our time is done (Acts 13:36).  No magic wand will ever be able

Pastors Are Not Celebrities

On Sunday, I heard my pastor say something that I’ve heard him say many times before.  It doesn’t matter how many people are within earshot, he still says it.  It doesn’t matter the size of our church or the busyness of his schedule. He had just preached this incredible message on the assurance of salvation.  As he made a plea

Learn How to Make Disciples

I am thrilled that NSU is starting up this Sunday, Feb. 10th!

North Side University is a 2-year intensive training for those interested in growing as a disciple-maker.  The training is comprised of course information, practicum experiences, and intentional mentorship.  At the end of the 2 years, a completion of this program would equip a disciple-maker to effectively carry out the Great Commission within his or her specific context.

THE 2-YEAR PLAN consists of:


Fantasy Football Champs (& How It Misguides the Church)


I am the Fantasy Football champion.  Well, at least for my league.  The guys in my community group created a league for the 2nd year, and after being blown out in the 1st round of the playoffs last year, I was able to withstand some serious close calls to pull out for a championship victory.

I have so arrived.

What’s interesting about fantasy football is your attention becomes solely on the players instead of the teams.  I didn’t care if the Vikings or the Panthers won, I just wanted Adrian Peterson and Cam Newton to rack up points.  I was more concerned with the success of one than the victory of the team.

And the majority of the Church in America is operating out of the same perspective.


Strategic Parenting

My children are different.  I love them equally, but I father them differently.  Mario is definitely different from Luigi.  They are both very different from Princess Toadstool (sorry, don’t have that costume just yet). I discipline differently.  While certain techniques I use might be the same, each one has to be corrected differently to get their attention.  They each are

Why Ministers Love Yard Work

It’s been a little hot lately.  Greenwood has been cooking.  With these early summer temperatures sky-rocketing for the area, most people are letting their yards go.  Deal with the yard when it cools down.  After all, it can’t grow that much in this type of heat!

That’s the way some people feel.

Not me.  I love it.  I love yard work.  I love to get out there and work and sweat and get cut up and bleed.  I look forward to it.

And, for a very interesting reason, I know many other ministers who love yard work as well.  Even among the scorching heat, the hard work accomplished, and for all the things that still need to be done, many ministers love to get out and do yard work and here’s why:


Ministerial Exhaustion

Years ago, our pastoral staff took a retreat.  I can remember we really didn’t talk a bunch on the van ride up.  We were all very tired, and honestly, we were very drained with our jobs.

I remember spending a long time on our face before God.  These weren’t bold prayers concerning the health of our church.  These were pastors who were exhausted and tired and pleading to God for help.

What we talked about those few days was how we were overwhelmed with the pace of ministry.  The programs and events of the church were booming, yet we were exhausted and unsure if our efforts were actually assisting any real life change.  From that week, a lot of things at the church changed for the better.  Our entire staff got fired and rehired.  We changed jobs and really started focusing on people over programs.

Two weeks ago, our pastoral staff took another retreat.  We were all very tired yet again, yet this time we were overwhelmed for another reason.