Leading Through Weakness

We can easily miss leadership opportunities due to perceived inabilities. We must maintain that conviction that God will give us what we need to accomplish what He has called us to do.

Leading By Example

A position may grant you the right to give orders, but a true leader is one who diligently works alongside others. Your example lived in front of others will be the most remarkable leadership lesson you could ever teach. 

Organization Precedes Continuation

Exodus 18:1-27 – Jethro encouraged his son-in-law, Moses, to alter his leadership practices to focus on what God had called him to do. This simple yet significant change at Rephidim paved the way for what would happen at Sinai.

Simplified Steps

If we want our lives to inspire others, we not only need to provide motivation but also clarification. We must learn to teach others simply so that they know what needs to be done next, among a host of options.

Earnest Excellence

If we do something well, we ought to do it not to be flashy, but because we want to be faithful to whatever God has called us to do. We are working for Jesus on behalf of the people for whom He died, so we should give our absolute best.

Leading Through Failures

Failures will either sideline us from future usefulness or motivate us for current development. We will make mistakes, but we don’t have to let them define us.

Multiplication Mindset

To be a disciple of Jesus Christ implies that you ought to be thinking of how your life can impact others. We must have a next man and next woman up type of mentality.

Approachable Attitudes

It’s hard to help others out in life if you give off an aura that you don’t want to be bothered by them. Christians ought to have the most open-hearted attitude toward others.

Leading with Humility

The world characterizes leaders as those who have achieved so much that others serve them; the Word surprisingly teaches that the best leaders are the humblest of servants. Humility distinguishes authentic leadership.