When We Fail to Help Each Other

Nehemiah 5:1-19 – After slowing down the opposition of outsiders, Nehemiah addressed how the rich were wrongfully exploiting the poor among them. When we fail to help each other, we work against that which God has called us to accomplish.

When Forces Oppose God’s Work

The opposition increased as Nehemiah and the people made progress on the wall. When forces oppose God’s work, we must stay faithful to His calling, knowing that He is more powerful than any resistance aligned against us.

When We Work Together

Nehemiah 3:1-32 – As the work on the wall began, Nehemiah organized the people into specific groups to accomplish the greater task. When we work together as the people of God, we can marvel at the progress He intentionally makes among us.

When God Puts a Plan Together

Nehemiah 2:1-20 – Nehemiah risked his comfort to evaluate the work required to reestablish the people of God. When God puts a plan together, we see how He uses people and processes to accomplish something great.


During Nehemiah’s day, God’s people were discouraged and directionless. Met with significant challenges, they continued to press on to the work assigned to them.

When It’s Not What It’s Supposed to Be

Nehemiah 1:1-11 – Once Nehemiah heard the condition of God’s people, his brokenness led him to prayer. When our circumstances are not what they are supposed to be, do we approach God for His help?

The Background of Nehemiah

The Book of Nehemiah is set in a pivotal time in the history of God’s people. To better understand the content of his message, we must comprehend the context in which he ministered.

Nehemiah [Series Overview]

During Nehemiah’s day, God’s people were discouraged and directionless. God raised up a leader to inspire other leaders to reinstate God’s people by uniting together for God’s original purposes. Met with significant challenges, they continued to press on to the work assigned to them.

Overview: Ezra-Nehemiah

As I prepare to preach through Nehemiah at our church, I wanted to share some initial resources with you to understand the nature of the book. This resource by the Bible Project succinctly summarizes the message of Ezra and Nehemiah.

The Exposed Places

Biblical Blueprint: The Exposed Places (Neh. 4:10-14) In every home, there are exposed places for danger to enter. We must identify where they are, build up the walls, and fight against combative tactics. Nehemiah’s Context God’s people had lived in exile due to their sin, but God was gracious to allow them to return home.