Faithful and True [Storytellers]

“Faithful and True” was the next to last song written for “The Word” project.  It focuses on the Book of Revelation and the longing for Christ’s return. “The Word” is a project by North Side Worship telling the grand narrative of the Bible.  It is available at North Side (May 3, 2015) and iTunes (May 5, 2015). I was most hesitant about starting this song …


JK We Don’t Know

This sign is silly, but at least it’s honest: THE REVELATION THE END IS NEAR! JK WE DON’T KNOW WELCOME 9:30 AM

The Most Segregated Hour in America

“We must face the sad fact that at 11 o’clock on Sunday morning, when we stand to sing…we stand in the most segregated hour in America.”  -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoken in 1963 Almost 50 years ago this line was delivered, and have we gotten any better?  Are more churches open to multiethnic congregations than before?  I think more …


Anticipating the Arrival

There’s nothing like going home to me.  I wish you could follow along with me my drive up the driveway after work every day.  The excitement is at different levels at different days, but normally I walk into 3 people jumping around and cheering like I am the best person in the world.  No matter how hard the day had been, this hysteria at 5:10 makes all things right in the world.

The other day, as I noticed Obadiah and Eli’s faces pressed against the window, banging on it with their hands, I thought they had gotten taller.  Turns out, they had climbed up on the window sill anticipating my arrival.  I don’t know why Eli was still peering out the window when I was standing behind him, but regardless, it was a special moment as they climbed up eager to see my truck arrive in the driveway (even if they did disobey by climbing up there).

The reason they get that excited is due to their perception of the person they are anticipating.  I don’t think I’m that spectacular, but in this season of life, they do.  And they show me in how they eagerly wait and celebrate my arrival.

The problem is that we aren’t that eager concerning Jesus’ return.


Worship Isn’t Supposed to Lift YOU Up

Humility – leading with perspective True worship isn’t supposed to lift us up, it is supposed to bring us facedown. As we are going through this series on end times at North Side, I wanted to focus on some worship passages from Revelation.  So rich. In Revelation 4, the Apostle John sees a vision of heaven in which the 24

I Liked Eschatology Before Eschatology Was Cool

es·cha·tol·o·gy (ěs’kə-tŏl’ə-jē)   n. The branch of theology that is concerned with the end of the world or of humankind. A belief or a doctrine concerning the ultimate or final things, such as death, the destiny of humanity, the Second Coming, or the Last Judgment. That’s right – I liked eschatology before eschatology was cool.  Eschatology is the study of

It’s the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel…

Many people talk today about the end of the world.  Due to global occurrences, wars, financial trauma, elected leaders, and many other phenomenon, many people think the end is near. Well one thing is certain: the end is closer than it was yesterday. The band REM came out with a song in the 1980s that was called, “It’s the End of