The Bible’s Heroes Aren’t Role Models

The Bible tells amazing accounts of how ordinary people did extraordinary things, but it also informs us of their struggles. While these men and women weren’t perfect, they looked to another who provided the strength we all needed.

Beware the Traps of Sin

There are traps of sin that all of us can fall into because we are humans with desires of the flesh, but there are traps of sin that are very effective on you personally. If you want to follow Jesus in obedience, you must beware those traps.

How to Avoid Youthful Passions

At some point, we will all realize that we have never graduated from the childish way of thinking, that we ought to have what we want and ought to have it right now. This quest for immediate gratification is not from Christ and must be combatted in our lives.

The Sin We Embrace So Quickly

Exodus 32:1-14 – The people grew impatient with Moses’ apparent delay on the mountain and decided to take idolatrous matters into their own hands. Through their example and Moses’ response, we discover what we must do with the sin we embrace so quickly.

Declaring War on Temptation

Each of us experiences temptation throughout our lives. We have an intentional enemy who knows where, when, and how to attack us in vulnerable areas of weakness. Ignoring his tactics will not make you impervious to personal setbacks.

How Our Sins Can Affect Others

It takes a person out of touch with reality to say that one’s sins do not affect others. Our sins can quickly devastate those around us, especially when our anger leads us to justify our words and actions.

When God Confronts Pride

Exodus 9:8-11:10 – In the final five plagues, God humbles a man who considers himself a god and a people who thought themselves untouchable. God opposes the proud and will use any means necessary to humble us.

When God Attacks Affluence

Exodus 7:14-9:7 – In the first five plagues, God shows His power over the gods of Egypt and attacks the Egyptians’ many sources of affluence. Nothing in this world deserves our wholehearted trust and allegiance.

Get Back Up

All of us will stumble due to our decisions or others’ opposition, but how we respond speaks volumes. If you feel you have been knocked down, get back up again.