While We Were Yet Sinners

Romans 5:6-11 – Christ didn’t offer His life for us because we deserved it. He was gracious to us while we were yet sinners.

Take and Eat

On the night before Jesus died, He gathered His disciples to prepare them for His sacrifice. While the first temptation was an opportunity to take and eat what was forbidden, Jesus set another table so that we could be forgiven.

Two Sides of the Cross

On the cross, Jesus was surrounded by two other men – one desired release and the other redemption. Did you become a Christian to escape consequences or to embrace Christ?

Christmas Eve at Home

When Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary desired to perform what was required of them, but they didn’t have enough resources. Even though they couldn’t do what they should, they committed to do what they could.

My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Christ?

In Psalm 22, David wrote a worship song that also served as a remarkably comprehensive prophecy of Jesus’ death upon the cross. While the precision to detail is astounding, God’s commitment to our salvation is even more remarkable. Psalm 22 22 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?    Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?2 O

Looking for Peace in All the Wrong Places

At Christmas time, people are searching for peace in all the wrong places. Christ has come not to bring us peace but to be our peace. Micah 5:1-5 Now muster your troops, O daughter of troops;    siege is laid against us;with a rod they strike the judge of Israel    on the cheek.2 But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,    who are too little to be among

When the Cherubim Laid Down His Sword

When the Cherubim Laid Down His Sword Matt. 27:45-54 Ever since sin entered the world, Mankind had been barred from reentering the presence of God. When Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn and we were invited back to commune with God. The cherubim denied sinners’ access to the presence of God after the Fall of Mankind (Gen.

Here I Raise My Ebenezer

Here I Raise My Ebenezer (1 Sam. 7:2-17) Samuel remembered God’s faithfulness in the past to help him go forward. As individuals and as a church, it is important to celebrate his activity in the previous year as we anticipate his work in the coming year. REPENTANCE (1 Sam. 7:2-6) True repentance always involves a turning to and a turning


Matthew 26:17-30 As we remember the sacrifice of Jesus, never forget that God is able to pass over our sins because Jesus was the perfect substitute. Perfect Substitute – The lamb must be without blemish (Ex. 12:5; cf. Heb. 9:14).  How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify

For Such a Time As This

Main Points Two Extremes: 1) God could never use me, 2) Of course God will use me. Do you believe that God wants to use you for his Kingdom purposes? Do you acknowledge that God is not dependent upon you for his Kingdom purposes? Even when God seems behind the scenes, his plan is always front and center. Levels in the Bible: