Let No Adultery Separate

Adultery creates a type of pocket universe with two people living selfishly inside of it and disregarding the needs of those they have sworn to love. Flee from this sin as if your life depends on it because, in many ways, it does.

Learn How to Love Your Wife

If husbands want to have a better marriage, then they need to do a better job of loving their wives. Do not wait around for your wife to make a change that you could start.

Let No Hobby Separate

Our hobbies can easily become our obsessions when we spend more thoughts, time, effort, and money on them than anything else. Learn to like your hobbies and love your spouse.

Let No Busyness Separate

Plan for a daily connection, a weekly date, and a yearly getaway for your marriage. If any or all of those three seem impossible to obtain, that reveals how great the need is.

Unfair Marital Frustration

If your spouse has hurt you, the issue must be addressed, but avoid showing frustration to one another for things other people have done. Don’t permit unfair marital frustration.

Don’t Let a Fox Separate Your Marriage

Every person needs to be aware of the little foxes scampering around his or her marriage. All marriages have specific minor issues that will turn into major issues if the couple refuses to address them.

This Marriage Should Have Never Worked

Even if you are in a bad marriage, I have often said that there is never a completely one-sided divorce.  Even if one party contributed 99% of the conflict, the other spouse hasn’t been perfect.   While I have counseled that logic for years, I have changed my mind recently regarding that claim.  After years of teaching, writing, and counseling, …


Why I Didn’t Wait Until I Turned 99 to Write a Book on Marriage

Writing and releasing a book on marriage is a dangerous thing.  I suppose writing a book on anything is dangerous, but the topic of marriage is an especially bold topic to address.  As a minister, I have often heard people communicate disapproval for a “younger” pastor sharing wisdom on marriage.  What does he know about it anyway?

I definitely don’t understand it all, but I do understand it some.  Here’s why I didn’t wait until I turned 99 to write a book on marriage.