Five Years

It’s hard to imagine that I have been a member and pastor at Rocky Creek for five years.

There is no way to express adequately all that God has done in this short time. I promise to keep myself to 500 words for these 5 years because I wouldn’t know where to stop.

At my trial sermon on January 22, 2017, I preached from Esther 4. During that message, I shared that God doesn’t need me, but He wants me. He doesn’t call any of us out of desperation but beckons us with an invitation. It is a call to join Him in what He is doing.

As I look back over these first five years, I marvel at the opportunity He has given me to partner with you as we have joined Him at work. Anything incredible has been His doing!

I served on Sunday, February 5th at North Side in Greenwood, and I drove my truck up to Rocky Creek in Greenville on Monday, February 6th, the very next day. I had a box of things to set up in my office, but I only got the Bible. I had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting myself into at that time, but I knew that I would rely on His wisdom every step of the way.

Where can I begin of how faithful He has been?

  • We have seen over 200 people baptized.
  • 2 of my children are counted in that number.
  • We went from 1 to 4 services.
  • We became 1 church with 2 languages.
  • Our worship attendance and membership has increased by the hundreds.
  • We are in the process of helping start or restart 4 different local congregations.
  • We have strategically aligned our mission efforts locally and globally.
  • We have drastically renovated our campus and remain debt free.
  • We have given more to missions than ever before.
  • Every noteworthy goal for our members to give or go has been at least doubled for every strategic mission effort.
  • Our giving has surpassed our budget every year with record amounts.
  • We have multiplied numerous groups to create more leaders and more space for more people.
  • We are preparing for an unknown yet highly anticipated amount of people who will accept personal responsibility for someone else’s discipleship.

And all of this happened in the last 5 years, 2 of which were during an international pandemic!

It is so difficult to express my gratitude for God’s faithfulness and this church’s willingness. If anything that God and this church have taught me the last five years is to pray big and watch God do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Eph. 3:20). I must stop being shocked at what He does through you dear people.

I daily am reminded with confirmation after confirmation why God brought us here. It’s gone by so quickly; it’s hard to fathom it’s been five years. And yet, I feel so connected to you; I feel like I’ve known you for a lifetime.

You are an absolute joy. Thanks for taking a chance and allowing me to pastor you.