God’s Design for Your Life

Fuge Camp at Liberty University – Opening Night Matthew 22:15-22 Cultural forces and religious traditions war for our allegiance. Above all of our manmade expectations, God designed each of us to reflect something very specific. Above all of our manmade expectations, God designed each of us to reflect something very specific. The religious Pharisees and the political Herodians couldn’t stand …


The Greatest Is the Nearest

While God’s transcendence is amazing, His immanence is astonishing. The most surprising thing about our exalted God is how close He comes to ones like us. The transcendence of God means that He greatly surpasses our human worth and experience. The immanence of God means that he is intimately close to us. Psalm 113 113 Praise the Lord!Praise, O servants of the Lord,    praise …


Rediscovering Joy

As David encountered testing trials, he confessed that his sure hope in this life and the next was in none other than the LORD. If we desire to rediscover joy, we must reorient our focus upon the only one who can provide it. Psalm 16 Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.2 I say to the Lord, “You are my …


The Proper Perspective for the Troubled Life

Psalm 39:1-13 – When David was overwhelmed with God’s discipline in his life, he maintained a proper perspective and took it to God through prayer. Don’t talk to everyone else about your troubles while neglecting the one who can fix them.

How Should We Handle Unfaithful Members?

As we commit to a local church, what happens when we fail to represent Jesus? The Bible is clear on expectations of how we are to confront one another to avoid drifting spiritually. Current Trend Every believer has an unspoken list of sins that is acceptable and a pronounced list that is unacceptable. Christians tend to protest the sins outside …


Why Do I Feel Disconnected at Church?

As a church grows larger, how do you avoid getting lost in the crowd? Our relationships in the church will only grow according to how intentional we are. Current Trend The larger a church becomes, the easier it is to remain anonymous. People expect to make instant relationships with a church without the patient intentionality that is necessary. Discipleship doesn’t …


Is Church Membership Even Biblical?

While the phrase, “church membership” is not in the Bible, the concept grounds the New Testament message and methods. Devoting yourself to a local church is essential for your soul and helpful for your congregation. Current Trend We have sold an incomplete gospel if we advertise the potential of avoiding hell while giving permission to ignore the church. Many people …


How Much Should I Prioritize Church?

With so many expectations on us, what does committing to a church realistically look like? As we study the early church, we will see God’s intention that the church is to be more than a service you casually attend. Current Trend Devaluing the priority and the purpose of the church has dramatically decreased our expectations and effectiveness. Worldly standards have …


It’s News Too Good to Keep to Ourselves

In the concluding comments of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus commissioned the disciples to take the gospel into all the world. If we continue to follow Jesus, He will lead us to people and places that need to hear the gospel. Options for Mark’s Ending Why is the ending of Mark so uncommon from the rest of his book and missing in …


The Tomb Is [Still] Empty

As the women came on Sunday morning to anoint the deceased body of Jesus, they were shocked to realize that the tomb was empty. All of our faith and purpose in life is wrapped up in the belief that the tomb is still empty today. Our lives will be determined based upon what we believe about the resurrection of Jesus. …