Book of the Week: Evangelism: A Concise History

This book of the week is none other than John Mark Terry’s Evangelism: A Concise History. This book hits some of the greatest evangelists and the greatest evangelistic efforts since the beginning of the church.  It’s one of those books that gets you excited about what God has done and what we can anticipate him doing again! Top 5 Thoughts: …


Anthology of World Scriptures

September is nearing soon.  What does that mean for me?  I’ve got to get my class notes finished! I will be teaching Religion 101 at Lander University in the Fall.  The last I heard we have a full class!  The class title, “Sacred Texts and Ideas,” is a difficult course to tackle.  But I am enjoying the challenge. The textbook …


Missions Exists Because Worship Doesn’t

We have been having a lot of conversations around the office about our missions strategy as a church. Our church focuses on three environments: worship, community, and missions. Worship is how we live pleasing to God. Community is how we love other believers and build each other up. Mission is to seek and to save those that don’t have a …


Stealing Sheep: The Hidden Danger of Transfer Growth

I recently read a book by William Chadwick called, Stealing Sheep.  Here’s my review: Introduction In Stealing Sheep, William Chadwick addresses the discreet yet volatile dangers of transfer growth within churches.  Chadwick has served as pastor in different churches, and he currently pastors Stroudwater Christian Church in Portland.  As a pastor, he personally witnessed and actually initiated change within churches …


Four Views on Hell

The people of America are becoming more and more spiritual. On one side, it is more acceptable to believe in a higher being and to adhere to certain spiritual practices. The other side of the spectrum is the backlash against anything remotely absolute. They don’t want anyone to tell them they have to believe a certain way or that only …


Marketing the Church

George Barna, author of Marketing the Church, is the founder and president of the Barna Research Group. The Barna Research Group specializes in research concerning the state of the church and the culture in which the church attempts to impact. In addition to writing Marketing the Church, Barna has authored many other books concerning church health and the culture’s perception …