Count Me In

Count Me In is a guide for students that helps them see Jesus’s display of discipleship through the Gospel of Luke. Written with Alex and Stephen Kendrick, I pray this book serves as a catalyst for teenagers to live a daring life as Jesus’ followers.

Just (About) Married Is Now Available

I am so happy to share with you that Just (About) Married, a premarital book for intentional couples, is available today. I’ve had a burden for years to develop a resource that would assist couples in our church to better prepare for marriage, and it is finally complete.

My Favorite Books on Biblical Finance

As a newly-married man, the first book I ever read on finances was from Dave Ramsey. The principles he taught me caused me to look at finances differently from that point forward. While there are many books out there on finances for the Christian, these are my favorite so far. I believe each of these is extremely practical and thorough.

Distinctive Discipleship Book & Bible Study – Available Now

I am so thrilled to share with you that two discipleship resources I’ve been working on are finally finished and available. The Distinctive Discipleship book and Distinctive Discipleship Bible Study workbook are now available in print or digital formats. The content of these two resources comes from a 2-year time of focus on developing how to give a tangible guide

Develop a Reading Plan

We all know reading is supposed to help us, but many of us also feel as if we could be more dedicated readers. The reason many of us struggle is that we don’t have a reading plan that has specific goals. If you ever wanted to become a more avid reader, it’s time to go the second mile with our

Wiki God [Available Now]

My new book on the attributes of God is available now! I have never poured my soul into a project like I have this one, and I am so eager to share it with you. WIKI GOD available now ( 📖. Wiki is a type of website that allows collaborative editing of its content. Anyone can become an expert on

Wiki God Book Overview

I am nearing completion on a book that has been simmering in my soul for years now.  It is called Wiki God.  The book is my attempt to remedy theological misunderstanding by teaching the biblical attributes of God.  It has been a difficult yet rewarding endeavor. While I am in editing mode, I wanted to share the description of the book

My Favorite Bibles and Books for Kids

Recently, someone asked me a question regarding family discipleship and my wife responded for me, “How much time do you have?” I’m very passionate about the subject. It’s been a burden for our home and ministry. The topic was the focus of my doctorate. Since I talk about it a lot, I often get asked what Bibles or books do

New Book on Repairing Bad Theology

I’m currently writing a book on repairing bad theology.  The concept is one I have been thinking about for fifteen years.  I have studied on it, preached on sections of it, and thought about the content for a long time, but I have always pushed the project down the priority list. While the book still has a long way to

Why I Didn’t Wait Until I Turned 99 to Write a Book on Marriage

Writing and releasing a book on marriage is a dangerous thing.  I suppose writing a book on anything is dangerous, but the topic of marriage is an especially bold topic to address.  As a minister, I have often heard people communicate disapproval for a “younger” pastor sharing wisdom on marriage.  What does he know about it anyway?

I definitely don’t understand it all, but I do understand it some.  Here’s why I didn’t wait until I turned 99 to write a book on marriage.