I am so thrilled to share with you that two discipleship resources I’ve been working on are finally finished and available.
The Distinctive Discipleship book and Distinctive Discipleship Bible Study workbook are now available in print or digital formats.
The content of these two resources comes from a 2-year time of focus on developing how to give a tangible guide for people to engage in personal discipleship.
Who Should Read These Books?
I developed these resources for those who are sick and tired of being spiritually stuck.
Does that describe you? Plenty of people feel aimless and unsuccessful in their spiritual journeys. We know why we should grow, but we rarely know how to do it.
For two years, I prayed, studied, implemented, and taught a simple process that comes from a biblical framework on how to make a disciple. It isn’t a curriculum of what you need to teach, but it is a process to narrow down the necessary areas of focus for a set period of time. The concept is an attempt to move away from the one size fits all approach to discipleship. The model is simple, adaptable, memorizable, and repeatable.
If you ever wanted to see growth in your life or have direction with which to disciple another, I would love for you to consider Distinctive Discipleship.
Two Options
- Distinctive Discipleship Book – Learn the simple model to design a specific plan for your Christian maturity or for someone you are discipling.
- Distinctive Discipleship Bible Study Workbook – Engage in an 8-week Bible study with daily devotionals that help narrow down your specific plan.
- These resources can be used independent of each other, or they can supplement the content if done together.
Distinctive Discipleship
If every Christian is in a unique place surrounded by specific challenges, why do we think that a broad approach will work for every single one of us? Learn how to use a guide that can design a specific plan for anyone’s Christian maturity.
In this 11-chapter book, you can learn the biblical framework for discipleship and a practical guide to getting started with your own growth or in helping to disciple another.
Distinctive Discipleship Bible Study
In this 8-week Bible study, learn how to use the Distinctive Discipleship model. Instead of providing a generalized checklist, this model will give you a biblical framework with which to design your specific plan for Christian maturity.
In addition to 8 weeks of content for small or large groups, five devotionals accompany each week’s lesson. No leader guide is necessary, so this workbook can be used as a guide for an individual or a resource for a group.
We implemented this concept in our church, and I have been amazed at what I have witnessed. People are growing. Life change is happening. People are actually making disciples and experiencing spiritual growth.
We stopped making excuses and starting making disciples.
I wrote these books out of respect to those who asked for it. While we explored how to implement this process within our church, some of you encouraged me to write it down to make it more widely available. Your encouragement served as the needed impetus for the completion of these resources.
Check them out, and if you feel they could help you improve your attempts at personal discipleship, please get a copy and get started.
I will be sharing more info in the days to come, but I appreciate your prayers and support as I try to make a dent in our role as participants in the Great Commission to make disciples.
If every Christian is in a unique place surrounded by specific challenges, why do we think that a widespread approach will work for every single one of us? It’s time to get distinctive.
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.
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