Singled Out

03.23.14 – Travis Agnew – Spring Renewal Services from Sermons & Videos on Vimeo.

“Authentic” Spoken Word by KB

I’m a fan of gospel music.  That is, music that focuses on the gospel.  Regardless of the art form, I always appreciate any genre that explains the truths of God’s Word (Col. 3:16) and does so in an excellent manner (Ps. 33:3). A few years ago I was introduced to Reach Records’ KB who was performing at a Passion conference. …


The 2nd Question I Ask My Wife

As a minister, our family’s schedule can be hectic.  I’m not saying it’s more or less hectic than other folks, but there are unique challenges associated with my job as there are with yours. From time to time, I have been asked to get involved in certain ministry opportunities.  Whether it is a chance to speak at an event, write …


Learn How to Make Disciples

I am thrilled that NSU is starting up this Sunday, Feb. 10th!

North Side University is a 2-year intensive training for those interested in growing as a disciple-maker.  The training is comprised of course information, practicum experiences, and intentional mentorship.  At the end of the 2 years, a completion of this program would equip a disciple-maker to effectively carry out the Great Commission within his or her specific context.

THE 2-YEAR PLAN consists of:


What’s God’s Will for My Life?

“The phrase ‘the will of God‘ can sound very mysterious, like a code to be broken or a puzzle to be figured out, but it is actually another way to describe ‘what God wants.‘ His will is described as both a way of living our lives that brings Him the most pleasure as well as His master plan for our lives that will bring Him the most glory” (The Resolution, page 206).

If you are like most people, you may be wondering what the will of God is for your life. What is your next step? Be assured that there is one person who wants you to know the will of God even more than you want to know it – and that is God Himself!

He will not hide it from you, and He sincerely wants you to fulfill it. Read what God’s will is for your life in Ephesians 5:15-17.


How to Love Your Wife

Maybe you are married, unmarried, remarried, once married, or want to be married.  For anyone out there interested in how to love a wife, I want to give you some advice today.  Not because I’m an expert, but because I’m learning.  My wife has endured a man trying to learn how to truly love her for almost 8 years now.

Make More Money

Money is a tool. Money is not moral or immoral. It is amoral. It can be used for good or bad. Money in of itself is not evil. The love of money is the root of all types of evil (1 Timothy 6:10).

In fact, God is not against you making more money. It’s actually a good thing. Read Ephesians 4:28 and find out why:


Why Are Kids So Angry These Days?

Kids are angry. So many of this up and coming generation seem to have more than a chip on their shoulder. They are angry. They are volatile. They are unable to restrain their fists or their tongues.

With every year, the culture seems to be driving families apart. In Paul’s instructions to the Romans, he describes what a depraved culture looks like. In a list highlighting homosexual sins, malicious acts, and haters of God, Paul also includes that a culture devoid of God will be characterized by children who are “disobedient to parents” (Rom. 1:30).

Have you ever wondered why it seems like this next generation is so angry and so disobedient? While we can blame media influence or peer pressure, in reality, one of the main reasons comes from within the home. Take a minute and read Ephesians 6:4:


The Family Altar

It was an emotionally charged Sunday at North Side.  In our 2nd week of Courageous, we discussed “The Family Altar.” I had a pregnant lady in our church say that she was emotionally exhausted from the service and she needed to lay down.  I felt the same way, and I had no baby weighing me down!  It was an intense

Don’t Make God Pay for Your Dad’s Mistakes

[The following is an article assigned for an upcoming LifeWay curriculum.  The assigned task: help people who have a bad situation with their father understand God as heavenly father.]

Some people do not like to hear a certain word in church.  The word is bothersome to some.  The concept is down right offensive to others.  Due to so many people’s pasts, calling God, “Father,” is the worst possible name to ascribe to him and it leaves many Christians unsure of how to view God the Father.

Let’s face it: we live in a fatherless world.  Deadbeat dads are the cancer of our society.  A majority of children are growing up in homes with fathers either physically or emotionally estranged from them.  So when a person with baggage from their earthly father enters into church settings where the Heavenly Father is talked about, you see why so many people struggle.

Pastor and theologian, A. W. Tozer stated that “What comes to your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you.”  The implication of that statement can not be overstated.  Your perception of God has everything to do with how you live for him.

The problem is that many people view their Heavenly Father in the same way they view their earthly father.