Three Years

Tuesday was my three-year wedding anniversary. Man, we are getting old! This has been the third year though that we have not been with each other the whole day. Amanda was having to stay at USC to work on her Master’s, so we celebrated by me cooking hamburgers out in the rain on Monday. Such bliss.

I have realized something about my wife. I love her more than I did when I married her. It’s funny, when I got married, I knew that I was selfish, but I never knew how much. I realized that all I truly focus on is my selfish desires. That’s why I love the comment made by an author who said that “Marriage was not intended to make you happy, but to make you holy.” God is such a genius.


2 thoughts on “Three Years”

  1. It was this picture my man that helped me find you at long last. I would love for you to give me a call. I have no other way of getting in touch with you other than your blog. I would like for you to come and teach Bible for me in November. I will give you the details when i talk to you. My number is 662-645-0396. Can’t wait to hear from you man.



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