I hope Yuletide bliss bit you severely over the last few days.
As I am enjoying a restful day with the family, I have a few Christmas reflections:
- I am so thankful for Immanuel (Jesus came to us to live with us)!
- The Christmas Eve service was a blast. I saw a lot of guests in our crowded auditorium: come back on Sunday!
- I hate that America judges the success of the Christmas season with how much money was spent in retail stores.
- Next year, I am going to be more proactive in this area. We have to lead for change.
- I didn’t lose my mind with eating. While the majority of the staff has abandoned our weight loss challenge, I am trying to stay strong.
- I wish people would be more excited about Jesus than Santa Claus. I’ve got nothing against the guy, but I just wish that people would be as enthusiastic about talking about Jesus to children that they are about Santa. Some things need to change.
- My favorite gift to buy this year was a goat.
- I loved having Obadiah here this Christmas. Even though he has more toys to play with, I loved that our family got together and read the Christmas story and worshiped together Christmas morning before opening up any gifts. While that was easy this year (he loves to sit in his mommy’s lap and read and listen to me play the guitar), I am going to continue to make that a priority and not so that my children dread it. I want them to savor the Savior!
- If I never get anything else in this life, I have been more blessed than I know what to do with because of this picture below:
Travis Agnew serves as the Lead Pastor of Rocky Creek Church in Greenville, SC. His most recent book is Just (About) Married.