Making Faith Stick

making-faith-stick-screenIt all starts this Wednesday.

MAKING FAITH STICK: Ensuring That Your Children Have an Enduring Faith

I will lead a four week study entitled Making Faith Stick designed to equip parents of younger children decipher when their children are ready to become Christian. We will be focusing primarily on the dynamics of elementary aged children but not solely, and anyone is welcome to come.

What we will go over will be a result of the research I have done for the last year.  Your attendance should provide you an opportunity to feel secure concerning your child’s salvation.

This study will be for four weeks held in the Junction coffeeshop. Both sessions start this week. The Wednesday study will start on May 13th 6-7:30. The Sunday study will start on May 17th 5:30-7.

The Sunday class will be identical to the Wednesday class – you do not need to come to both. No charge for materials and childcare is provided, but we do need to know if you are coming. If you plan on coming as an individual, couple, or C-Group, please email and tell which section you are coming to and how many people are coming with you so we can have enough supplies available.

Thanks a bunch! Leave a legacy!

1 thought on “Making Faith Stick”

  1. Hi Travis, I would love to have any materials from this class. I have been unable to attend Sunday nights and I am helping with the kid’s on Wednesday nights.

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