Bible Reading Resolution (or is it a plan…)


Another part of planning for 2010 comes with a Bible reading plan.  If you don’t have a target, you don’t know where to aim.  A Bible reading plan can provide you a systematic way to work through the Scriptures rather than just haphazardly thumbing through the pages.

There are plans that get you to read through the Bible in a year, the New Testament in 2 months, or the Psalms in a month.  There are all kinds of options.

One of the greatest online tools out there is a program called YouVersion that was put together by LifeChurch.  This online Bible program provides way to share insights on the Scripture and keep up in community with others out there.  You can also access it through your phone and all kinds of great features.

One of their best new features is providing a plethora of reading plans.

My personal reading plan is to finish up the Old Testament by the end of April.  I’ve been reading through the Law and the Psalms lately, but I am wanting to finish the rest.  The reasoning is North Side is going through a Bible reading plan the month of May.  We are going to challenge our members to read through the entire New Testament in the month of May.  That will equal to roughly 10 chapters a day.  Get yourself ready – it’s going to be great!

So, what’s your plan?  If you don’t have a target, you don’t know where to aim.

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