Sermon Prep (I Need Your Prayers & Help)

I’m filling in for Jeff on Sunday.  It’s always an exciting thing for me to preach, but it’s always a humbling thing to fill the pulpit for someone I respect so much.  I don’t ever want to go about preaching God’s Word in a careless way.

I will be preaching the 2nd week in the “30 Days to Live” series entitled “Be at Peace with God.”

I know the biblical passage from which I will preach.  I know the direction, but I want your input and prayers for the application points.

If you think about it, North Side will be full on Sunday of 3 types of people: 1) at peace with God, 2) not at peace with God, or 3) thinks they are at peace with God.

Your time to help with sermon prep: what keeps people from having true peace with God?

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