Children Are Gifts

Unless God is in the business of building a home, the effort is in vain.  In Psalm 127, God reveals that the best reward a man can receive is not what his hands can provide, but only what God can give him – a child.

Sons are indeed a heritage from the LORD, children a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the sons born in one’s youth.  Happy is the man who has filled his quiver with them.  Such men will never be put to shame when they speak with [their] enemies at the city gate. -Psalm 127:3-5

Imagine it’s Christmas time.  You have given your child a gift that took a lot of your time and money.  After your child unwraps the gift, he or she begins to complain about having to care for the gift.  How do you feel concerning their attitude and what do you say and/or do as a result of their reaction?

How do you think God views it when parents complain about the gifts of children that He has given them?

Children are gifts.  The Bible is full of parents who viewed their children as real rewards.  It seems as if those who had the hardest time actually having a child were often more grateful than others.  Their beautiful expressions in Scripture remind us that children are undeniably a gift from God.

Look at some of these statements from biblical parents concerning when they realized they were expecting:

  • Sarah: By faith even Sarah herself, when she was barren, received power to conceive offspring, even though she was past the age, since she considered that the One who had promised was faithful.  -Hebrews 11:11
  • Issac: Issac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife because she was barren.  The LORD heard his prayer, and his wife Rebekah conceived.  -Gen. 25:21
  • Rachel: Then God remembered Rachel.  He listened to her and opened her womb.  She conceived and bore a son, and said, “God has taken away my shame.”  She named him Joseph “May the LORD add another son to me.”  -Genesis 30:22-24
  • Manoah (Samson’s father): Then Manoah asked, “When Your words become true, what will the boy’s responsibilities and mission be?” 
  • Hannah: I prayed for this boy, and since the LORD gave me what I asked Him for, I now give the boy to the LORD.  For as long as he lives, he is given to the LORD.  –1 Samuel 1:27-28
  • ZechariahBut the angel said to him: Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard.  Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will name him John.  There will be joy and delight for you, and many will rejoice at his birth.  -Luke 1:13-14
  • Mary: And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, because He has looked with favor on the humble condition of His slave.  Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and His name is holy.”  Luke 1:46-49

Today, don’t see your children as a burden.  Choose to see them as a blessing.